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This sample of a teacher guide introduces basic robotics using Lego EV3 hardware and software – the activities are based upon a single robot model which can be constructed from the education core set.

Students learn about basic movement of the robot rover in the context of space exploration.This context...

The Eco-design web is a useful tool to help students’ analyse an existing product or design. It can also be used to indicate areas of the product that can be redesigned to improve its environmental sustainability.

Two worksheet based activities that can be used to identify the impacts of technology upon people to sustain their communities in the future. The first activity considers the economic impact upon sustainability with key questions to research and the second task is an analysis activity looking at cultural, economic...

In this STEMNET resource, maths teacher Ed Dyke describes a STEM project undertaken by his school in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, called Rocket Day. The project was funded by the York and North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership (NYBEP). Also involved was STEM Ambassador Clive Bell, who has worked for the...

This report evaluates design and technology provision based on a three-year evaluation of design and technology in primary and secondary schools. Evidence was drawn from school inspections during the period 2004–05 as well as from focused surveys by Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) from 2004 to 2007. The surveys...

Electricity is an analogy that provides a way of helping students develop a real understanding of simple electric circuits. This interactive resource is provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE).



This film clip shows how steam is used to drive turbines in power stations which burn fossil fuels. It then looks at how turbines can be adapted to be driven by alternative energy sources, and examines the advantages and disadvantages of energy sources such as wind, to solar, biomass, hydroelectric power, tidal and...

The Frederick Bremer School developed this ‘off timetable’ STEAM activity with the help of a STEM Ambassador with interest and experience in this field of electronics as applied to music and dance performance. The activity incorporated electronics, control (switching), textiles, coloured and reflective fluorescent/...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), is one of a series of activities which explores body centric communications. Students study data and annotate a diagram to show what electromagnetic radiation can penetrate the atmosphere. The...

A Nuffield Design Hexagon task focusing on a range of electronic products. The resource aims to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.

This resource contains a number of activities for each side of the design hexagon (student...

This set of guides for Key Stage Four focuses on electronic products, providing an overview of components. Including sensors, inputs and outputs.

The design guides can act as a stimulus for students who are having difficulty in...

This publication, from Warwick University, reports on the STEM Careers Awareness Timeline Pilot. The Timeline project seeks to establish how schools can embed a more systematic programme of careers awareness into the existing subject curriculum. The report gives emerging findings from working with stakeholders and...

This Nuffield task is to design an emergency shelter, using a 4m x 3m rectangular piece of tent material, to protect three people from wind and rain.

The key processes developed include:

