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Showing results for "careers"

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The STEM Careers Toolkit for Careers Leaders in secondary schools and colleges is filled with creative ideas and practical suggestions on how to build STEM specific content into your careers strategy.


Produced by the Department for Education, these resources contain a range of support materials for those involved in the delivery of information, advice and guidance (IAG) in STEM-related areas.


This student survey can be used to measure student attitudes towards the STEM subjects and their interest in careers in the STEM sector.

It is also a useful 'before and after' tool for measuring the impact of activities such as off-timetable days or STEM...

Colourful poster from the ...

Linking Careers to the STEM Curriculum is a careers resource aimed at teachers of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics. It offers immediate ideas to try, longer term solutions and resource recommendations for linking careers to lessons.

This guide will help you to:


This careers poster showcases CEO and Entrepreneur Enass Abo-Hamed. It includes an interesting quote from the engineer and a brief description of how they use personal attributes in their professional life.

This careers poster showcases electronic design engineer, Shrouk El-Attar. It includes an interesting quote from the engineer and a brief description of how they use personal attributes in their professional life.


This report is about career guidance in English secondary schools, and how it could be made better. Career guidance has been much criticised but what would it look like if it were better? Through international visits, analysis of good practice in English independent schools and a comprehensive review of current...

Use this poster to help your students to see how their experiences in and out of lessons will support them on their STEM career journey. 

These career profiles provide information on the wide range of people involved in the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Emma Welsh. She works as a reviewer, analysing data from clinical trials of treatments for chronic respiratory diseases.

Emma analyses information which is then used by doctors, health authorities and others to decide on which...

Good career guidance helps inspire students towards further study and enables them to make informed decisions whenever choices are open to them. It helps them to understand enough about the world of work to know what skills they need to succeed.


The Gatsby Career Benchmarks is a framework of eight guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in schools and colleges. This guide shows how you can use the range of STEM Learning...

This activity is designed to be delivered by a STEM Ambassador who works as a quality professional.

Quality professionals are an essential part of every business in every sector around the globe, from electronics to engineering; roads to retail; finance to food. They do a huge amount to help make businesses...
