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This collection of resources from the Geological Society highlight some engaging ways to not only teach pupils about rocks, but also fossils, dinosaurs, volcanoes, earthquakes and extracting metal compounds from their ores. The primary and secondary collections are suitable for current teaching whereas the legacy...

This resource helps students to recognise geometrical shapes and their properties.

The resource is part of the Nuffield Maths Level 1 Foundation resource collection.

In this video collection, professionals from a variety of careers discuss what they love about their jobs, how they got involved, and what other opportunities are out there.

This collection of videos gives students a view into the different types of green careers available. A mixture of case studies and industrial context, this collection covers careers from across the STEM subjects.

This collection contains a selection of activities including games, quizzes, and experiments, designed to help students of all ages understand the different roles available in green careers using STEM subjects. Highlights include:

  • Polar Explorer Careers Booklet - aimed at 7-11 year...

This collection contains a range of careers case studies from across the STEM subjects. Inspiring individuals talk about their personal journeys and explain more about the exciting careers they have chosen.

This collection provides students with information on the range of careers accessible with a STEM background. Both job-specific and general subject resources are included in this selection.

This collection aims to support teachers in the delivery of career-focussed lessons, particularly looking at green careers and how a STEM background makes positive innovation possible. Resources include both job- and subject-specific information packs, real-life careers case studies, practical experiments, and...

This collection of resources help teachers and careers advisers introduce students to the possible career opportunities in emerging green technologies. The activities help to highlight the jobs students can do to help tackle climate change and improve the environment. 

The collection includes a set of case...

A set of six inspiring green engineering careers posters showing how engineers transform the way we travel, eat, use, power things, build and breathe. Includes suggested discussion points and homework tasks.

The Gatsby Career Benchmarks is a framework of eight guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in schools and colleges. This guide shows how you can use the range of STEM Learning...

There are two versions of this house prices activity. Both involve large data sets of house prices showing how they have changed in different locations over long and short periods of time. In Version A, students draw and interpret statistical diagrams and calculate statistical measures by hand. In Version B,...

In this resource students are asked to measure dimensions from scale drawings and find the areas of rectangles and triangles. They then calculate the amount of paint needed to paint a house and its cost.

The resource is part of the Nuffield Maths Level 1 Foundation resource collection.

This research was Published in 2014 and presented at the ESERO 2013 Conference.

The purpose of any teacher continuing professional development (CPD) is to ensure a positive change in pupils’ outcomes, yet the evaluative evidence to support this relationship is often weak or missing. Using the CPD programme...

Published in June 2010 , this report from the Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education aims to discover whether CPD has a positive impact in enhancing the personal understandings and teaching of science by the teacher and the subsequent learning of students.

The full collection of STEM...
