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Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from Mathew Holloway, this resource uses the Crumble controller, setting students a design challenge that sees them create their own umbilical controlled buggy that can navigate small spaces. Although specific to the Crumble controller, this resource could be used as a design...

This activity, suitable for a cross-STEM project day or series of lessons, focuses on how information can be provided to travellers on the London Underground. Students are asked to consider user needs – what information would they need to see, and how might their requirements be communicated? A deep understanding...

A Catalyst article about a brilliant new light source under construction in the heart of the Oxfordshire countryside - the Diamond Light Source. Diamond will be a source of synchrotron light. Many of the everyday commodities people take for granted, from chocolate to cosmetics, from revolutionary drugs to surgical...

A Catalyst article about mobile phones. This article looks at the science behind this popular piece of technology, such as the use of radio waves, aerials and cells. The article also explains how mobile phones are able to use short aerials.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2005, Volume 16,...

This sample of a teacher guide introduces basic robotics using Lego EV3 hardware and software – the activities are based upon a single robot model which can be constructed from the education core set.

Students learn about basic movement of the robot rover in the context of space exploration.This context...

A Nuffield Design Hexagon task focusing on a range of electronic products. The resource aims to extend understanding of how to evaluate a design by thinking how it affects people and whether it performs as expected.

This resource contains a number of activities for each side of the design hexagon (student...

This set of guides for Key Stage Four focuses on electronic products, providing an overview of components. Including sensors, inputs and outputs.

The design guides can act as a stimulus for students who are having difficulty in...

These activities, from the Institute of Physics, look at electrical circuits. They provide a review of previous knowledge and introduce the language needed to cope with the greater depth of learning at post-16 level. Activities include: • a discussion about electrical circuits to reinforce knowledge and highlight...

Published in Electronics Education, this article is aimed at giving guidance to teachers and explains the ideas and models behind the understanding of electric current.

The article begins by discussing the make-up of...

This article, from Electronics Education, is aimed at giving guidance to teachers and takes an in depth examination of resistance and conduction. It is also linked with an earlier article Essential Ideas in Electronics: Current.


These articles, first published in Electronics Education, are aimed at giving guidance to teachers and help to describe the concept of voltage in an electric circuit. There are two articles in this resource.

The first...

In this activity, students investigate the use of binary numbers to explain how devices can be turned on or off. After a short introduction to binary numbers, students work in teams of four to demonstrate the number sequence from 1 to 15.


This one-hour lesson introduces the Internet of Things to students, through the context of fire fighting.

Students explore the user needs of a modern firefighter and how different Internet of Things technologies could improve their...

After learning about flooding, students consider the design problems caused by its early detection. Students are introduced to moisture sensors, and can build their own using the instructions provided or use a ready-made version. This is connected to the BBC micro:bit and used as an input device. After processing...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these resources help to put curriculum science in a real life context. The activities provide opportunities for children to extend their understanding of electricity by applying it to the concepts of electricity generation and its use in the...
