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The National STEM Learning Centre and Network supports the teaching and learning of science, design and technology, computing, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in schools and colleges throughout the United Kingdom, from primary level to post-16.


”When you tell people you make stars for a living, their heads turn and their mouths open.” The video features Dr Kim Cave-Ayland who is a control engineer at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE). 


Produced by Rolls-Royce, this booklet tells the story of what makes a high value business. It looks at questions such as: What are high value businesses? What do they look like? Why do they matter? The booklet can be helpful to illustrate the types of career opportunities that are available to students with science...

These resources explores how engineers have used their knowledge of waves to improve lives.  The activities include:

  • Using the reflection of light to create a floating image
  • Investigating the best material for thermal resistance (insulation) in a survival suit

Curriculum links...

This collection includes research information, reports and guidance. It will be of interest to managers and practitioners in schools who are concerned with the delivery of STEM careers awareness.

Simon is an engineer on a mission to reduce the flood risk across the UK. His projects include a pathfinder event to see what did and didn't work in the flood defence market, that later developed into supplying a Water Gate Barrier to a community.


Craig manufactures the components that go in Rolls-Royce’s powerful jet engines. He learned his trade on an apprenticeship, which he says was the ideal way to pick up the hands-on skills he uses in his job now.


This collection of posters are themed around ‘Manufacturing the Future’. The posters can be used to help inform students about the cutting-edge technologies and exciting careers available in UK manufacturing. Topics include: * Astrium - space engineering * True Snowboards - snowboard design and production *...

In this STEMNET resource, Assistant Head Teacher Matthew Evans describes activities undertaken in his specialist Technology College to support STEM subject teaching. The school runs many STEM Clubs and has worked with STEM Ambassadors for nearly 15 years.

Matthew works closely with the STEM Ambassadors and...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Andrew Keen, a graduate engineer.

Andrew studied Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing before gaining a placement with an aerospace design company. Following a Masters of Engineering degree in Materials and further work...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Felix Schubert, a mechanical engineer.

Felix works for MSE Consultants Ltd, an engineering consultancy which specialises in natural gas compression projects for the oil and gas industry. He enjoys that fact that he can change his...

Medical Emergencies, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. Students design and make a hanging storage device that could, ideally, be folded up to make a rucksack or...

Students can take this online quiz to find out in a few short questions how their skills and passions could lead to an exciting job in engineering.


Meet the future you


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