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In this resource from Cre8ate maths, students critically compare nutritional measures and calculate their daily energy requirements. Initially students fill in the worksheet Can we eat what we like, to prompt a whole class discussion about the consequences of a bad diet. They then use the Sugar, salt and fat...

The aim of a minimum spanning tree is to connect every vertex of the network using the edges having the least possible total weight. The task requires students to analyse information about a town centre and suggest which roads should be pedestrianized. [

Minimum spanning tree: presentation...

This resource is part of a collection of Nuffield Maths resources exploring Algebra. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in GCE A level.

This resource asks students to use graphical methods to solve maximum and minimum problems in industry and in working life, using a spreadsheet or graphic calculator...

Read the letter from Nick Gibb MP and Jo Johnson MP that launched the Core Maths qualifications in September 2015.

In this practical activity, from the Royal Institution, students use paired mirrors to investigate repeated reflections and the symmetrical properties of certain polygons. Based on observations made about these symmetries, students then look at how the mirrors and reflections allow them to deduce the angles in...

This resource contains six activities.

[b]Find[/b]: Contains twenty five questions requiring students to use number properties to find numbers which fit the required criteria. An example is: find three consecutive numbers which when multiplied together make 2184.

[b]Converting Units[/b]: Requires...

Two proof-readers are checking separate copies of the same manuscript. They each find a different number of errors. The number of errors found by both is given and the task is to calculate how...

This resource contains five activities in which students are presented with a situation in which a digit, a number or an operator is missing. Students are required to complete the calculation.

Missing Digits 1: Students are presented with a series of two digit column additions and...

This activity gives pupils in key stage 2 the opportunity to plan, test and execute a simple mission on the moon. Throughout the session pupils will take it in turns to give commands and to navigate blindly across the lunar surface. Pupils will be taught to understand the importance of clear step by step...

This collection of practical activities, investigations and games is all based on current lunar research. It supports many aspects of working scientifically and links to area of the curriculum including: earth and space, light and shadows, forces, materials, changes of state and rocks and soils. Activities are...

In this activity students adopt the role of a small team of undercover environmentalists, deep in a tropical rainforest, on a mission to investigate and expose the illegal activities being carried out by a multinational logging organisation that is destroying the planet.

Rainforest involves four lessons:...

Students are presented with two mobile phone tariffs and have to explore at what point one tariff becomes better value than the other. They have to select a way of comparing the tariffs using appropriate graphs or tables, work systematically to explore the effects of changing the amount of time the phone is in use...

Students use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate mobile phone bills. They compare mobile phone tariffs to see which one is the best for someone to use.

This resource is part of the Nuffield Maths Level 1 Foundation resource collection.

Three cars drive on a highway twisted into a Mobius strip. Each car stays in its lane and are driven at the same speed. The challenge is to work out what will happen and if the cars will ever meet. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

  • ...

This resource from the IET Faraday programme, supported by MEI and Tomorrow's Engineers, invites students to model the journey of a toy boat crossing a river which has a current of 3m/s.

"Two friends are on opposite banks of a river which is 30m wide. One of them has a model boat...
