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A video is shown of a square with its diagonals marked. The resulting regions are, of course, 25% of the whole square. A motion graphic shows one of the diagonals sliding down a side to rest at the mid-point. What percentage of the whole is each region?

This is an adaptation of a print-based task designed by...

This task is designed to assess how well students understand symmetry, shape and angles.

Eight squares are places so that they each touch a vertex of an octagon. Students evaluate properties of the resulting pattern, including ideas about lines of symmetry and calculating angles between pairs of squares and...

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. Ofsted reports directly to Parliament and is independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Each week they carry...

This worksheet explores Ohm’s law. It provides students with an overview of the relationship between current, voltage and resistance. It also provides a reminder of how to calculate total resistance when resistors are in parallel or series circuits. The questions have worked examples, examiners top tips and answers...

Discovering the day of the week upon which a particular date occurred is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematical Teaching. The Julian and Gregorian calendars, amongst others, are discussed and students are provided with an algorithm, which they use to verify the day of their own...

This Bowland assessment task is a very open task. Students are given lap times of the medal winners of the men’s team sprint cycling race from the 2008 Olympic games and are asked to create and answer two questions based upon the data provided. Students are encouraged to write questions which require a wide range...

In 2012, the Olympic and Paralympic games will be held in London. These resources look at a wide range of topics that can all be linked to the games. They cover science, technology, engineering and mathematics and can be used in individual lessons or as part of a cross-curricular Olympic and Paralympic theme.


This Core Maths task looks at how countries are ranked at the 2012 Olympic Games. Students use Excel to order the data and are asked to comment on whether the ranking is fair. This activity is designed to then lead to a discussion of weighted rankings.

The teachers' notes give...

Since women have been competing in the Olympics, there have been many cases where the women, at least for a while, have been improving faster than men. In this activity students explore whether this trend is likely to continue until women are out-performing men.

Students use relevant data to help model the...

This interactive excel sheet is aimed at Reception students and explores counting.

The first sheet generates a starting number for students to count on from. Add objects one at a time to those already in the box to...

This interactive excel sheet is aimed at Year One students and explores counting, addition and subtraction.

The first sheet generates a starting number of objects, students then have to add objects one at a time to...

This Core Maths task provides an opportunity for students to create questions based on the idea of someone being awarded a certificate for traveling one million miles with an airline. Students are to decide what information they need to help them answer their questions and then to work out the...

This booklet, the Mathematics Centre at the University of Chichester, contains some ideas that Marion Bird has used with reception children, aiming to involve them in activities and encouraging them to participate in steering the direction of their early mathematical...

These O.R. Society resources contain seven short films explaining what operational research is, how it is used in a variety of every day situations and what career opportunities the study of operational research affords. The sub collection contains problems to be used to introduce, practice or consolidate a variety...

A case study from Mathematics Matters which looks at the development of optical fibres and how mathematical models have simplified the process of producing them. Modern society relies heavily on a variety of networks, but we don’t fully understand how they behave. Mathematical network theory lets us create models...
