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A collection of images representing semi conservative DNA replication:

Illustration depicting semi-conservative DNA replication 1. Three generations of DNA are shown. After separation of the DNA double helix, two new complementary DNA strands are synthesised (indicated by a new colour)....

This Nuffield 13 - 16 module is one for the start of the three-year programme. This B unit provided enough material for six double periods in the third year of secondary school (year nine). The teachers’ guide included six worksheets to supplement the students’ booklet...

The joy and challenge of building ‘cheap and cheerful’ sensors has a wide appeal to adults as well as children. It also opens a wide number of links to aspects of the mathematics, science, computing, design and technology, and engineering curricula, supporting scientific investigation and discovery. These...

The human population of Earth has reached seven billion. This Catalyst article explores the impact that human activity may have on the planet. The article looks at the rate of population growth and how human impact is also related on the amount of resources used by an individual. It considers if the effects of...

Published by the Wellcome Trust, this issue explores the biological basis of sex differences and the relationship between sex and gender.


These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Describe how the male and female reproductive structures work collectively as a system to produce and release gametes.
  • Explain the importance for fertilisation of the chromosome...

This game teaches students the main principles of sexual selection and the difference between intrasexual and intersexual selection. Students discover why some animals have ornaments to attract mates (intersexual selection) while others have weapons to fight for mates (intrasexual selection).

Please note...

These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Identify the two types of reproduction (sexual and asexual) that take place in plants.
  • Describe the function of the male and female reproductive structures in a flowering plant....

In this activity from ARKive, students use a key to identify several species of shark and ray. Extension questions use video of shark movement available on the ARKive website as a context to discuss adaptation.


This resource highlights the...

These resources explore the use of camouflage, colour and toxins by both predators and prey. The first activity looks at the life cycle of ladybirds and their behaviour. Students also investigate whether the colour of food or prey has a stronger effect when clumped together and whether the bright colours and...

After watching Tamilore’s Story, a video about a child...

These materials look at three possible projects that relate to cleaning products and tackling microbes that spread disease: * Communications project - students act as health promotion specialists trying to persuade people about the need to wash hands after using the toilet. * Practical project - students...

Traditional fizzy drinks were made by fermentation using yeast. In this project, students make some fermented fizzy drinks investigate the effect of using additives and varying...
