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This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles: 


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles: ​

This Catalyst article investigates how polymer materials can be designed and printed with...

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:

Diamond: more than just a gemstone


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:

Dust to dust?


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:

Could purple tomatoes help us be healthier?


Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this investigation looks at the activity of the enzyme catechol oxidase (also called polyphenoloxidase). Found in a wide variety of plants, it is responsible for the darkening observed when many fruits or vegetables...

This video introduces a reliable technique to demonstrate tissue culture and totipotency, and shows how best to use this protocol with your students.

Unlike animal cells, many plant cells are totipotent, meaning that...

This Catalyst article looks at the celebrations surrounding the life and work of Charles Darwin. Darwin was born 200 years ago and the article looks at some of the activities surrounding the bicentenary and examines his work.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2009, Volume 19, Issue 4.


The lesson is guided by a presentation which introduces the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and describes the application of stem cells in the treatment of disease. Students work in groups to compare images of healthy and MS nerve cells before planning and carrying out a model drug testing investigation.


The resources in this collection cover teaching about cells for students aged 11-16.  They were produced to enrich a visit to the Intech Science Centre, but can be used independently of a visit.

Cell! Cell! Cell! is the story of the trillions of cells that form our bodies, from our beginnings as a...

This booklet contains a range of suggested teaching activities and contexts for teaching about cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation at A level.  Topics covered include: cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis, tissues, organs, differentiation and stem cells.

Although produced to support the teaching...
