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A Catalyst article explaining how scientists have found that the overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean, which maintains Europe’s moderate climate, was weaker in 2004 by 30% relative to earlier estimates. What does this mean and what impact could it have on our climate? Scientists' research and their climate...


From the Centre for Science Education, and with support from Shell Education services, these materials help children to see how electricity can be used to split the components of a solution (copper sulfate).

Graphite pencils are used for electrodes and the process is called electrolysis. It is commonly used...

In this project, students compare the properties of different kinds of climbing and safety rope.  They design tests to measure properties such as breaking strength and Young’s Modulus, and c...

This Catalyst article looks at how scientists can use material recovered from archaeological sites to see how crops have been introduced to different countries over the history of farming. Three processes by which some plant material can be preserved are explained. The ratio of carbon isotopes from the collagen in...

This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes applications of chemistry to solve practical problems.

There are three parts to this book:
*Part 1: What is...

This Nuffield Working with Science unit was intended to help students to appreciate the purposes of different types of cosmetics, to distinguish between purely decorative and 'useful' preparations, to understand the reasons for the formulations of different types of...

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Cosmic Rays is a colour A5 leaflet that opens out into an A2 double-sided wallchart describing cosmic rays and where they come from, what effect they have on Earth and how they are used in scientific applications. Sections of the leaflet cover: *The...

Produced by the Royal Observatory Greenwich, this booklet covers the Doppler effect in the context of cosmological redshift. Included is an online video that discusses the size of the Universe. Equations and physical terms are introduced and discussed. Questions and answers are included that test a student’s...

This book on cosmology, from the Royal Astronomical Society, provides a good primer for those teaching A-level physics courses or GCSE Astronomy.

The resource begins by introducing the history of measurements in...

This resource provides a cross-curricular design and technology and science project aimed at primary children. Using the context of the school class going to Greenland and forgetting all their shoes, children are asked to construct shoe soles that will insulate them as they take part in a dog-sled trip. Children...

An activity to build an animal shelter for the winter which provides suggestions for the range (and types) of materials required.

This resource, from the Microbiology Society, gives an overview of role of the immune system and how it is affected by training intensity. Exercise can have both a positive and negative effect on immune function and can influence an individual’s vulnerability to...
