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A Catalyst article about Hurricane Katrina which caused many deaths in August 2005, and vast damage along the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico in the USA. Hurricanes are an unfamiliar phenomenon here in the UK. Why is this? And can people expect to see more hurricanes in future as a result of climate change? The...

The Propagator project introduces students to hydraulic systems and their inner workings. Using a...

A Catalyst article about hydrogels. Soft contact lenses, disposable nappies, hair gel and plant water crystals all make use of substances called hydrogels. These are polymers which have the unusual property of being able to absorb huge quantities of water. The article looks at the structure of hydrogels and their...


As the need to find alternative cleaner forms of energy increases, scientists are looking to technologies, such as Hydrogen Fuel Cells (HFCs), as a power source for transportation.

This Catalyst article explains how hydrogen and oxygen gas can be used in a redox reaction to produce electricity, and the...

From The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these activities look at hydrogen, its preparation by electrolysis and its potential as a transportable fuel.

In the activities, students:

  • Study the properties of hydrogen in order to evaluate it and identify the technological problems...

Diagram showing the hydrogen bonds that form between the four bases in the DNA double helix. These weak forces between the bases keep the two complementary strands of DNA together and ensure that the correct bases are put in the right place during replication of the DNA molecule. A always pairs with T and C always...

This activity from a series of resources looking at the future of flight from the IET, explores making hydrogen from water, which is the basis of hydrogen fuel cell technology. Hydrogen is an alternative to petrol and diesel fuels for combustion engines and the only byproduct of using it is water, so it does not...

This practical activity outlines how to grow plants hydroponically in the classroom. It aims to give students an understanding of the basic growth needs of plants. It also shows how hydroponics can be utilised to provide food to humans as our population expands.

This technique can be expanded in a number of...

This resource is based around the chemical composition of the human body and the origin of elements in the universe. Students can input a mass in the spreadsheet to see what proportion of their mass is from elements created in the Big Bang, in stars and in supernovae. Graphs are also shown for the relative...

This resource looks at the effective use of low energy light bulbs and how they have enabled the waterfront at Durban in South Africa to be transformed. The first activity sets the scene by showing how lighting is not only a technical process but has a social impact too. It then presents students with the challenge...

This game aimed at upper Key Stage Two Primary revises childrens' scientific vocabulary and knowledge. Covering life processes and living things, materials and their properties and physical processes, it contains thirty-two cards each with a scientific word that children
should know, and use correctly in...

This resource aimed at Key Stage Two contains a set of data showing ice cream consumption per year in different countries. Children are asked to create a bar chart to represent the data and then to answer a set of questions to interpret the given data.
This resource is part of the ASE SYCD: Science Year...
