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This Nuffield Foundation Course Guide was written to give a chapter by chapter breakdown of the Nuffield A-level and AS-level Biology specifications as they were in the 1990s following the introduction of GCSE and the growth of double-award science programmes. The purpose of the course guide was to help students...

The Nuffield Advanced Biology Foundation Unit was designed to help students progress from GCSE science to the Nuffield Advanced Level Biology course as it was in the 1990s. Using brief overviews of some of the topics in the Study Guides, this booklet was designed to...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, the Nuffield Advanced Biology Study Guide was complementary to the series of Laboratory Guides. This was also a book of investigations but it did not involve practical work and made use of various types of second-hand data instead. It served also as a further source of...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, this Nuffield Advanced Biology Key was produced to cover the common species of organisms found in static fresh water. The key was illustrated by many drawings accompanied by verbal descriptions. The key was prepared for use in the...

This book, published by the Nuffield Foundation, contained information on the practical management of a biological teaching laboratory with special reference to the Nuffield Advanced Biological Science course. Details of the care of living organisms (Section 2), recipes...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, the purpose of this Nuffield Advanced Biology Laboratory Guide was to provide a coherent treatment of a series of biological topics, based on laboratory investigations. The approach throughout was centered on enquiry as opposed to...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, the purpose of this Nuffield Advanced Biology Laboratory Guide was to provide a coherent treatment of a series of biological topics, based on laboratory investigations. The approach throughout was centered on enquiry as opposed to...

The work in the Laboratory Guides was of three types.
*Preliminary work aimed to cover possible deficiencies in the students' background and provides reinforcement material for the less able student.
*Main work was within the capacity of the majority of A-level students. The amount of practical work was...

The Nuffield Advanced Biology project published this guidance for students and teachers on all of the main issues involved in practical work and extended investigations following changes to the specifications in the 1990s.


Chapter 1: A guide for students on class practical...

Published by Nuffield Foundation, this Nuffield Advanced Biology book was intended for teachers. It described how students could carry out open-ended individual projects as was required as a part of the A-level course. The project team defined a project as a practical...

The Nuffield Advanced Biology Study Guide explored evidence and deduction in the biological sciences. The book contained a varied collection of biological data, some derived from previous publications, some original, but all of them concerned with aspects of enquiry. It...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, each chapter of a Nuffield Advanced Biology laboratory guide provided a coherent treatment of a series of biological topics based on practical investigations. Although the chapters were arranged in a logical order this was not...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, each chapter of the Nuffield Advanced Biology Laboratory Guide provided a coherent treatment of a series of biological topics based on practical investigations. Although the chapters were arranged in a logical order this was not...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, the investigations in the Study guide were constructed from a varied collection of biological data. Each was intended to guide students to an understanding of certain basic concepts through a series of questions and, at the same...

Published by the Nuffield Foundation, the purpose of this Nuffield Advanced Biology Laboratory Guide was to provide a coherent treatment of a series of biological topics, based on laboratory investigations. The approach throughout was centered on enquiry as opposed to...
