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This report, published by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) in 2008, is based on a survey of ABPI and UK BioIndustry Association (BIA) member companies to review the position three years on from a previous report called Sustaining the Skills Pipeline in the Pharmaceutical and...

In this resource from the SATIS Revisited collection, students learn about skin cancer and analyse data on the incidence of melanoma. They also learn about use of ultraviolet radiation index forecasts to assess risk.

Skin cancers are extremely common, with more than 75 000 new cases registered each year in...

This ABPI resource introduces skin structure and function, including temperature control and the role of the hypothalamus. Students can learn about common skin infections, such as athlete's foot, and skin cancer.

  • ...

Produced by Becta, these case studies illustrate how information communication technology (ICT) can be used to enhance teaching and learning in science.

This case study looks at how students at Grange Academy worked with interactive slideshows to demonstrate ideas and concepts, present their work and check...


This animation shows muscle contraction and the sliding filament theory

This Nuffield Working with Science unit was designed to enable students to enquire systematically into slimming. It was intended to give them information about such things as balanced diets, the dangers of undereating and overeating, the social pressures on people to be...

This video shows how a slinky, which is being held at the top with its bottom freely dangling, falls when released.

Students are asked to predict what happens when the slinky is released.  Does the top fall first? Does the bottom fall first? Do both ends fall together or does the centre of the slinky remain...

This rich data set includes several species of slugs, and can be used to investigate their distribution across the UK. The data has been collected over a period of several years, and includes the maturity of each slug and its location.

The data is biased in terms of the date and locations for sampling – a...

Linked to the topic areas of habitats and animals in the local environment. This resource looks at how to collect, observe and present findings when looking at slugs. In making observations it considers the following:

*types of slugs

It may be...

In celebration of its founder, Fritz Schumacher’s centenary year Practical Action have created Small Is...Challenge. Schumacher’s philosophy was based on the idea that even a small change can have a big impact on people’s lives. The challenge for students is to look at technologies from the last 100 years and...

A Catalyst article about the early microscopists, including Leeuwenhoek, Hooke and Swammerdam. Their work looked at the miniature world beyond human sight and through publications raised awareness of phenomena such as how insects functioned and how disease spread. The article also examines the use of simple and...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these resources help to put curriculum science in a real life context. In these activities, children compare plants grown in a variety of nutrients. They investigate the best conditions to grow turf for a sports pitch.

During the activities...

Through energy use, each UK home creates around six tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. Much of this is the result of electricity generation. In this activity, from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, students look into the advantages and disadvantages of the Smart Meter – an innovative device...
