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This booklet, from the Institute of Physics, considers what and how future scientists and engineers can be taught about different states of matter. [b]Content includes[/b]: • advances in materials – past, present and future • motivating students • resources to support teaching and learning • virtual experiments and...


From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this leaflet describes our Sun and its impact on Earth. It looks at the properties of the Sun and how current space missions and ground-based experiments are providing new understanding of our nearest star. STFC is a part of the Research Councils UK (RCUK)...

This Catalyst article looks at the effect exercise has on the body. Poor fitness contributes to poor life expectancy, and inability to exercise reduces quality of life in the ill or aged. Scientists hope to understand the mechanisms which limit 'exercise tolerance' which would contribute to enhanced performance for...

This book, published in 1983 by the Falmer Press, was written following a national survey of primary schools in in 1978. The HMI Primary Survey provided a significant reassessment of the place of science in the primary curriculum. Instead of being a peripheral activity it was seen as having a place in every child's...

Students will begin by comparing the range of temperatures on the Earth, Mars and the Moon, using the student worksheet ‘Temperature: from one extreme to another!’ They will have to plot the temperature over a ten-day period from 4 September to 13 September, as measured by three different craft that landed on the...

In this activity, developed by the Institute of Physics, students use a lamp and polystyrene balls to model how astronomers detect exoplanets using the transit method. After completing this activity, students should: *Understand that the transit of a planet in front of its star temporarily reduces the star’s...


In this SATIS Revisited resource students consider the conflict between the increasing use of energy and the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels in order to lessen carbon dioxide emissions and tackle climate change.

The aim of this unit is to introduce the idea that the discussion of controversial issues...

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share their ideas on using photography to support teaching and learning. The case study aimed to tackle how to record individual progress and achievement when teaching students with severe and moderate learning difficulties. A number of uses of...

Patrick Organ and Barbara Watson, from the Forest Special School, share ideas about using Velcro as a teaching and learning tool. Students with moderate or severe learning difficulties can find it difficult to take in information from a static display, and so teachers at Forest School use Velcro to make versatile...

