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This lesson introduces ideas about combustion, incomplete combustion and the production of carbon monoxide, particulates and their relationship to health.

Learning outcomes:

  • Students could produce and write symbol equations for the combustion of carbon and methane using models.
  • They...

Planetary scientist, Professor Andrew Coates, explains why scientists look for the evidence of signs of past life on Mars.  He talks about the history of Mars and the current harsh environment on the planet. This video is part of a series of ten which look at the one of the elements of the European Space Agency’s...

This video explains the structure of DNA and the role of histones and methyl groups in deactivating one of the X chromosomes in a female.  The deactivation of one X chromosome is random. As mitosis reproduces cells, they may contain the X chromosome inherited from the father or the mother.  This can’t be seen in...

This collection provides a cross-curricular learning package which supports learning about the work of Dr Edward Jenner on developing a vaccine for Smallpox. All activities are based around a short film, which highlights Jenner’s work from the viewpoint of a child living at the time in which he worked on the...

This activity supports learning in science and English, using the context of Dr Edward Jenner’s work on developing a vaccine for Smallpox. Children learn how, through vaccination, Smallpox became the first and only human disease to be eradicated. They look at what other vaccines exist today and the current battles...

This resource supports learning in literacy and drama and science, all based around the life of Edward Jenner. After watching a short film, children discuss some of the main differences between plays and films, beginning to think in terms of cinematic storytelling. They use their scientific and historical...

One way to cross wide gaps is to repeat bridge units, such as beams or arches. Piers are then necessary to act as supports for these repeating units. The more piers, the greater the blockage to the flow beneath the bridge.

Lesson Objectives

  • Students could be able to predict the...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students read about a Wi-Fi system (often called WLAN — wireless local area network) and produce a diagram to show how the ‘wireless’ part is, by necessity, short-range. Mostly, the signal is...


The resources in this collection focus on the wider issues relating to society and health. They provide a ‘big picture’ in relation to the connection between society and health and the development of new technologies. The activities allow students to explore social, ethical, economic and health issues relating to...

In this lesson, students investigate the claim that using a Nintendo Wii computer game is a good way to keep fit and that people, therefore, should be encouraged to use them. They compare how their resting pulse rate changes when they have been playing a normal games...

In this experiment, from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), students are required to make observations about wild oat seeds. Using a petri dish, glass jar, filter paper and water, students can recreate the conditions of a greenhouse. They can then observe the changes to direction of the awn (the long hair at...

This resource looks at the impact of climate change, in particular flooding and drought, and how science can be used to mitigate against it. Students first explore perceptions about climate change, then look at ways to communicate the significance of climate change to different groups of people. They then explore...

This resource contains six activities that link to animals including humans, they are designed for use with mixed age groups classes of Year 1 and 2. Activities include:

  • identifying and sorting different animals based on observable characteristics

  • creating a desert island, to...

This resource contains a synopsis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth assessment on wildfires written in language suitable for A level students, so can be used as an exercise in reading comprehension and note taking. It looks at natural and anthropogenic causes of wildfires, their benefits and...
