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This activity introduces pupils to algorithms and gives them the opportunity to create and debug simple programmes using bee-bots. Throughout the three activities pupils will be taught that algorithms are clear step-by-step instructions before programming a bee-bot to follow their own inventive algorithms to reach...

Machine learning is a system where rather than a computer programmer deciding the best way to sort, organise, classify or use information, the computer program develops its own set of instructions (algorithm) based on information that users feed it.  Scientists at the...

The aim of this Ofsted survey was to analyse the elements of successful alternative provision. Alternative provision has been defined as education outside school, arranged by local authorities or schools. For the purpose of this survey, alternative provision was defined as something in which a young person...

This longer article taken from AI: Where is the Intelligence? discusses Artificial Intelligence and rule following "bots". The activities contained within would easily lend themselves to a series of lessons on algorithms. The section on...

Python is a freely available programming language. This resource contains six sections:

The first section, Getting started, begins with a simple description of how to download and install a Python compiler onto a computer. The screenshots in the resource use a compiler called IDLE. There...

This learning resource is an introduction to programming with Python. Versions are included for Python 2.7 and Python 3. The fundamentals of programming are covered: • Arithmetic operations • Data types • Control flow As well as some more advanced techniciques including the use of: • Regular Expressions • Files •...

This resource has been developed by the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and the BCS Academy of Computing. It will seek to consolidate learners’ understanding of modern information systems concepts, through study of web technologies, including HTML.

Whilst this resource has been designed to be used as a...

This resource consists of a ten page student workbook and some associated resources. The workbook is designed to be used with Key Stage 3 students over a number of lessons, to introduce them to the concept of algorithms, to make them used to following instructions given as an algorithm and to start producing their...


This activity gives students the opportunity to navigate a map of Mars looking for regions of interest they will receive ‘mission’ data from to analyse. Students will first work in teams on an interactive activity, navigating terrain as either a rover or mission control. The main part of the activity asks students...

This activity allows pupils to simulate the robotic exploration of Mars. Pupils will have the opportunity to take on the role of the rover controlled by mission control as well as being able to build their own remote control rover. Pupils will use a map of Mars to set out regions of interest and hazards before...

Looking at how animals have adapted to cope with all sorts of conditions. Exploring communication strategies, travel, camouflage and life in challenging settings, and the way humans can learn from animals.

This article investigates how scientists at the Open University are devising ways in which dogs can interact with electronic systems including computers. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 25, Issue 4.

Catalyst is...

This cross-curricular computing / ICT activity helps children to understand decomposition. They choose a poem and create an animation using Scratch; this encourages them to think deeply about the poem, and to explore the tools available. Children break the poem into pieces (decomposition), then plan the animation...

This is one of a set of resources designed to allow pupils to develop their knowledge and skills in computing, art and design.  This resource, which could be delivered across two separate lessons, involves using software on...
