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In this unit from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology, students design and make a simple tree structure using a variety of textiles, paper and card.

The unit allows students to handle and experience a variety of textiles and relate them to their everday uses. They make textile sample...

This topic, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), focuses on nutrition and looks at links between diet and health. Students are able to reflect on the nutritional and social values of different diets and then exchange information about their findings. As they work though the topic the students make a...

One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. Children design and produce a classroom display about a current topic in another subject.

The children will work in groups and as a whole...

This activity uses a humorous video to raise a serious question: can science tell us what animals are saying, and interpret their emotions? The Bow-lingual dog translator claims to detect animal emotions by analysing bark sounds waves. Students use research evidence to decide whether the device does what it claims...

Using real data from CensusAtSchool 2000/2001, this resource explores issues around the disposal or recycling of the empty aluminium cans in schools. Students discuss the issue, calculate statistics, draw graphs and look further into what happens to empty cans in their own school. 

The Nuffield Foundation provide this resource which can be used to introduce the idea of representing objects using plans and elevations. Students will have the opportunity to identify everyday objects photographed from plan and elevation views, draw 3D sketches of solids from their plan and elevation views, as...

By constructing a model of the constellations in the zodiac, students can learn about the relative motion of the Sun and the Earth. Students can find their own star sign and discover how the view from the Earth will change as the Earth orbits the Sun. The model allows them to see how the night sky changes over a...

This full lesson plan, plus dataset and worksheet, from CensusAtSchool is designed to help students understand the different types of average, how to calculate and compare them and which average it is appropriate to use for a particular data set.

From ARKive, this creative activity is designed to teach 7-11 year olds about endangered species, what it means to be endangered and what causes a species to become endangered. It also features examples of conservation in action and ideas for how the students can help. After a presentation, each student is given an...

In this ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource, prominent engineers talk about what excites and inspires them in their work.

The resource consists of:

*Colour photographs of prominent male and female engineers, which can be printed out in colour or black and white.
*A short paragraph on what...

One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology in which children design and make a simple musical instrument and use it to play a part in a piece for four players.

There are opportunities to explore rhythm, simple melody lines and the arrangement of parts.

This resource...

One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology in which children design and make a new pastry product for a particular group of people.

The product will be based on the children's...

One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology in which students design a fridge magnet set that will appeal to young children.

The fridge magnets are made from layers, which add considerably to their attractiveness, and are used to hold up a list of commonly mis-spelt words....

One of the units from the Nuffield Primary Solutions in Design and Technology. The task is to design and make a light that is suitable for use in a particular situation.

The device will be constructed from card, found materials and technical components. It will be powered by a battery and controlled by...

One of four units from the Nuffield Foundation for Key Stage Two: Year Six. Build a multimedia software presentation using an authoring program previously introduced during ICT lesson time. This task asks students to build a multimedia software presentation using an authoring program previously introduced during...
