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A Bridge too Many, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. The context for the activities is a challenge based on a large model bridge that has been pre-constructed using prefabricated components, with weak pins...

This poster, from the Science and Technology Facilities Council, celebrates 100 years since two scientists in the UK pioneered a technique for crystallography.

Crystallography uses x-rays to create a diffraction pattern to examine the atomic structure of crystals. The poster explains Bragg’s Law, which...

The aim of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) was to discover how to use a constructivist approach to teach selected topics, and translate this into materials which could be used by teachers.

These are...

This resource provides a cross-curricular design and technology project aimed at primary children. Linking to work on the forces and balance children build and test sculptures in small groups. They also discover more about the work of mechanical engineers throughout the lessons. The first lesson introduces the task...

Published in January 1980, this report sets out preliminary views on the form that a framework for the proposed National Curriculum should take and the ground it should cover. The ideas were presented to start a consultation process, leading to a curriculum that would apply to schools nationally and promote...

This resource from Ofsted accompanies the survey report Tackling the challenge of low numeracy skills in young people and adults, published in April 2011, and summarises the characteristics of good practice in adult numeracy tutors under the following headings...

Published by LSIS, this guide is intended for learning providers who want to help care workers develop better mathematics skills at work. The guide is divided into two parts. Part 1 identifies the mathematics that care workers use at work, offers an overview of the adult social care sector, considers attitudes to...

This short film aimed at improving the subject knowledge of primary teachers on the topic of keeping healthy. It follows Sonia Cullington of WOW Fitness as she speaks about healthy eating and living. She looks at an everyday shopping list and discusses how they may or may not form part of a healthy balanced diet....

In this case study, from the Centre for Science Education and the AstraZeneca Science Teaching Trust, Sarah Williams and Matthew Bailey, from King Ecgbert School in Sheffield, share their experience of creating an interactive activity to help students with special educational needs to understand food webs and the...

Produced in 2003, these performance descriptors for chemistry science subjects at AS and A2 levels were written to indicate the level of attainment characteristic of grades A/B and E/U boundary candidates across a series of assessment objectives. It was intended that they should be interpreted in relation to the...

Produced in 2007, these performance descriptors for science subjects at AS and A2 levels were written to indicate the level of attainment characteristic of grades A/B and E/U boundary candidates across a series of assessment objectives. It was intended that they should be interpreted in relation to the content...

A look ahead is a short weaving guide from the Nuffield Mathematics Project intended mainly for teachers of older students in upper primary and lower secondary.

The object of the guide was to re-state the aims and methods of the project in the light of experience so far, and to consider some of the problems...

This resource aimed at primary learners, links to electricity, design and technology and aspects of literacy. Children learn about motors and how many objects use electricity to improve their usefulness. Looking at a variety of objects they compare their features and then take on the role of an entrepreneur and...

In these activities, from Siemens, students identify the importance of medical imaging in diagnosis and consider the advantages offered by MRI scans. They then apply their knowledge of wave and particle physics to explain the operation of an MRI scanner.

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these materials help students to gain an understanding of a number of scientific ideas through investigating how a refrigerator works. The key ideas covered include:
* liquids require heat to evaporate
* some gases can be liquefied at...
