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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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In this article from Catalyst, a series of images shows how X-ray technologies have improved over the last century.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a science magazine for...

This Crystal exhibition resource from Siemens considers the pressure that increased waste, pollution and reduced air quality places on our environment.

From Rubbish to Resource is a design and make project in which students source waste products and make them into something not only useful but also...

This Crystal exhibition resource from Siemens presents the diverse risks in a city and ways in which these risks can be detected, prevented and responded to in order to make the city more resilient. It focuses on safety and security, including incidents such as crime, access control and fire.


breakthrough was a termly resource for teachers published between 1999 and 2001. Each edition highlighted a number of discoveries and inventions and the people who made them. This edition was published in May 2001. Each edition of breakthrough included feature articles and regular items such as profiles of key...

In this session, students will establish what is being done to improve air quality and the careers and jobs involved in making this happen. You could ask a member of the Royal Statistical Society to come in and speak to the students about statistics and careers statistics – see External Links.


Students are asked to collect 50 pieces of information and produce a portrait of the life, career and contributions to science of Carl Linnaeus...

This Catalyst article uses physics to investigate the possible causes of the sinking of the Titanic. Mike Follows explains how the hull of the Titanic was constructed to be watertight, however, the strength of the rivets used on the ship were inadequate.

The article shows how the alignment of the sun, Earth...

The UK is at the forefront of research into Quantum Technology, where physics pushes the cutting edge of technological innovation. 

These resources, from the UK National Quantum Technologies programme, bring a-level physics and computer science bang up...

Dr Tim Gabriel’s job involves making materials for batteries and solar cells which have tiny structures and shapes, allowing them to work more efficiently. He describes how his combined degree in chemistry and languages allowed him to spend a year in France. Tim also explains how his research career helped him to...


Several publications for teachers that draw from the findings of research into strategies to increase girls' participation in physics post-16.

'Girls in the Physics Classroom: A Teachers' Guide for Action'

This guide was produced as a result of the Institute of Physics' 2006 research review into girls...

This document gives an overview of how to help pupils for whom English is an additional language access science language and vocabulary. It highlights the challenges these pupils face and how to support them.
