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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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This resource from CensusAtSchool produces descriptions of modal pupils using the data taken both from the original CensusAtSchol data and Phase Two of the project. The task encourages students to discuss and think about the merits of using averages.

The mathematical topics of mean, median and mode are used...

This activity is based upon addition and subtraction of integers, requiring students to find patterns and relationships, develop formulae and prove results.

The resource consists of printable worksheets, teachers' notes and solutions.

The activity can be extended by the use of algebra to explain...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), these resources are aimed at mathematics practitioners.

In this resource, sessions look at:

• Algebraic expressions (exposing and discussing common misconceptions)
• Multiplying out brackets (using rich collaborative tasks)...

In this project, students investigate and compare the waterproof and breathability properties of a range of fabrics used in clothing designed for sailing. They will find out about the different fabrics used in wet weather sailing gear. In particular, how breathable waterproofs work and what advantages and...

This Core Maths resource assesses students’ understanding of the statistical ideas data classification, sampling and bias, stem and leaf diagrams, histograms, cumulative frequency graphs, averages and inter-quartile range.

There are teachers' notes and a separate mark scheme....

Explore how electricity flows and the effect of conductors and insulators in this whole class activity. Using balloons and a range of everyday objects children role-play parts of a circuit including: batteries, light bulbs, connecting wires, conductors and insulators.

Aimed at primary level, this activity...

This toolkit from Plus magazine and Arctic Survey Education looks at models of climate change and sea ice growth.

The toolkit can be downloaded as a whole or as the individual components, which are:
• Arctic supermodels - background article
• Modelling ice thickness - worksheet and worksheet...

During this Licence to cook practical session, students make courgette and cheese muffins, fruit muffins or mini fruit cakes. These recipes demonstrate combining ingredients (with the all-in-one method), accurate weighing and measuring and using the oven.

Writing frames are provided for students to record...

During this Licence to Cook practical session, students make apple and sultana crumble or vegetable crumble. These recipes allow students to practice weighing and measuring, rubbing-in, preparation of fillings, layering ingredients and baking.

Writing frames are provided for students to record their own...

This sample of Badger Publishing: Delbert Maths Worksheets offer rigorous content, but with a healthy dash of fun in the shape of Delbert and his cartoon antics, hints and tips. The sample includes practice questions for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Maths SATs, worksheets for the numeracy hour and practice...

This lesson plan from CensusAtSchool is easy to put into practice in the classroom and is targeting the Year Six key objective of ‘Solve a problem by extracting and interpreting information presented in tables, graphs and charts.’

It involves the students in doing simple surveys and underlines the key...

This summary was produced by the Department for Education in 2012 to support schools with their behaviour policy. This document summarises the legal powers and duties that govern behaviour and attendance in school at the time of writing, and explains how they apply to teachers, governing bodies, pupils and parents...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students use experimental techniques and modelling to investigate simple harmonic motion (SHM). The activities include discussions, practical investigations and worked examples, including: • linking Hooke's law and SHM • investigating a loaded spring...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students interpret graphs of waves to understand concepts such as wavelength, frequency and phase.

The activities in this episode include:
• plotting displacement and drawing longitudinal waves
• considering phase
• understanding...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look in detail at Rutherford’s experiment through discussion, demonstration and student experiment. The activities include: * discussing the significance of Rutherford’s experiment * demonstrating collisions and momentum * Rutherford scattering and...
