Showing results for "photography"

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This STEMNET resource introduces John Gray who is a specialist engineer for the BBC. His role is crucial in ensuring that the programme production system used by local radio stations across England works properly.


These career profiles provide information on the wide range of people involved in the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (...

A case study from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) which looks at the forensic evidence and intelligence that are left at crime scenes by footwear, gloves, tyres and fingers. New Latent Image Markup and Analysis (LIMA) software provides a fast, accurate way of transmitting and...

Pinhole cameras can be made very simply, and they take reasonable pictures. But it’s a little more complicated to make a pinhole camera that takes a good picture, has an...

SATIS book twelve includes From Babylon to biotechnology, Earthquakes - in Britain?, Radiotelescopes, and Are you made of stardust?.

The ten units in this booklet are:

1201 Agrochemicals and the environment: Data handling, information, questions and discussion. Attainment targets 1 and 2.


This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

In the Pink: Colour from Carotenes

This article explains how pigments pass along a food chain through a process called bioamplification.


This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:

Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies or Weetabix

This article looks at how scientists can use material recovered from archaeological sites to see how crops have been introduced to...

The Geological Processes sub-collection is made up of pedagogical guidance and classroom materials for use with students. All materials were published by the Key Stage Three Strategy and the Secondary Strategy in 2004.


Salters' Science books differed from the typical textbooks at the time of publication. There were four books for the double-award science course: two for Year 10 and two for Year 11. Each book included chapters related to five or six of the modules in the course.

The books were designed to reflect to aims of...

This set of ideas, resources and materials help students develop a greater understanding of the language used in science. Reinforcing keywords helps students to become more familiar with scientific vocabulary, enabling them to progress with more confidence. The approaches here could easily be used in other areas of...

This Nuffield Combined Science activities pack provided student booklets; one for each of the first five sections of the course. These booklets were not intended to be used as ordinary text books.


This Nuffield Combined Science Activities Pack provided student booklets; one for each of the last five sections of the course. These booklets were not intended to be used as ordinary text books.


Purpose: Observing changes over time can result in the collection of a lot of data. One method of keeping a central record for the class is to set up a blog or a wiki for the duration of the investigation where photographs, measurements, results tables and graphs can be collated. Using a digital record rather than...

A number of images from Practical Action showing the effects of climate change and climate change adaptation. The images can be freely used by students and/or incorporated into teaching resources by teachers. The following text describes each of the photographs: *Drought in Kenya means there is little water left...
