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Showing results for "Early Year matheatics"

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In this resource students are given four coordinate points and asked to find the equation of the lines that connect them. The four lines intersect to form a rectangle- can students find the area of the rectangle?

Each student worksheet contains different coordinate points, but the solutions all have...

A report published in 2015 from the Center for American Progress analyses how schools could increase student achievement through curriculum reform, that is the teaching materials used by teachers such as textbooks, workbooks, and software. The authors focused on the curricula used in primary mathematics classes in...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation introduces the Reuleaux Triangle and shows how to construct a curve which has a constant width, as well as Barbier's Theorem and the Isoperimetric Inequality. Three dimensional shapes are also investigated...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

Cyclotomic polynomials are explained in this presentation, which uses a regular polygon to illustrate the complex roots of unity and establish which of those are primitive, before demonstrating some intriguing algebra.


Desk calculators was the first of the Weaving guides written by the Nuffield Project Team for the Nuffield Mathematics Project. This guide was not intended to be a manual of instruction as it was felt that teachers and students could find out for themselves ‘how they work’. It was suggested that each school should...

This resource, from Mathematics for Engineering Exemplars, shows how to build a mathematical model of liquid draining through a tank and how to use the model to determine the time required for a tank to completely drain. Bernoulli’s conservation of energy equation, which requires integration and differentiation, is...

Bar codes are used extensively and this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, enables students to explore how they are structured. The activities are designed to prompt class discussion and mathematical thinking as students learn how to check that a code is valid and develop their own...

The application of logarithms is the focus of this resource from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. The magnitude of an earthquake and its measurement on the Richter Scale is used to develop an understanding of logarithms. Students investigate details of events and learn that an earthquake of 4.7 is...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

This presentation uses the fact that 1729 is the smallest number that can be expressed as two cubes in two different ways to introduce the topic of Elliptic curves, which are used more and more in the field of number theory...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service, these materials help to demonstrate effective practice. By Cambridge Regional College, this case study looks at the themes of functional skills, equality, engineering and mathematics.

The aim of the project was to work with staff to raise awareness of the...

This resource from Siemens consists of a series of lessons based around a cross curriculum interactive online game designed for KS3 and KS4 students to develop knowledge across mathematics, science and technology. Students are required to select an energy plan for the energy island from several technologies. As...

In this lesson, students will be introduced to the advantages of big telescopes and the use of telescopes to do astronomy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. They will then explore the transit method of detecting exoplanets (either practically, or using real astronomical data) and use mathematics to...

This resource features ten short tasks relating to expressions and equations.

An example gives a series of expressions and poses the question as to which has the greatest value when a negative number is substituted.

This task is from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service, a collaboration between...

The relationship between third world countries and the developed world is demonstrated in this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Teaching Mathematics. Students work in groups to make and sell shapes, which are bought by the class teacher who performs the dual roles of Banker and United Nations. Market...

‘Ball bouncing’ is a series of 7 problems that looks at what happens if you put a tennis ball on top of a basketball and then drop them both. This is done through mathematical modelling. The series shows how to take a complicated problem and break it down into manageable parts. It is recommended that the sheets are...
