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Circular motion: horizontal ball in a hoop (Tim holding)


Circular motion: vertical ball in a hoop (clamped)


Circular motion: vertical ball in hoop (Tim holding)


This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘circumference of a circle’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two:...

The Internet of Things (IoT) is about connecting the unconnected, and it is growing rapidly. It uses sensor-equipped physical computing devices, connected through wired and wireless networks and the internet. The IoT has many uses, include the...

The Citizen Science project was a collaboration between @Bristol's Education team, the University of Bristol, teachers and scientists. Funded by the Wellcome Trust, a series of activities engage both teachers and students in discussions about biomedical science.

This collection contains a range of teacher...

This guide provides a wealth of information about the benefits of being involved in citizen science and how to incorporate it into the curriculum, with links to citizen science projects and resources.

Citizen science projects can range from discovering a new quasar in space, counting elephants in the...

Citizenship is now a foundation subject for Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four in England. These resources, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) look at the links between science, politics and business through the context of ozone depletion. An additional resource has since been produced to add to those...

This bank of resource sheets, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), has been designed to be very flexible, for use with students at appropriate places in your curriculum. This resource is part of the SYCD: Science Year Can we; Should we? collection.

These resources can help teachers to develop...

This resource provided by ASE includes a number of activities to support environment teaching in science. By comparing the conventional use of agrochemicals with organic production, students can develop their understanding of the interaction between living things and their environment.

This activity also...

This resource, from the Royal Institution, includes an example of a school outing that centres on mathematics. A trip to famous London buildings provides a natural context to integrate mathematics, engineering and technology. Creativity and knowledge are used to address energy efficiency issues, touch on topics...

Sean's mission to get more people engaged in playing sports. He helped develop a new artificial pitch which allows the community to use the pitch all year round with improved playability. It provides a great example of how engineering can widen access to people for sports facilities.


Engineers like Philippa use technology to help keep us safe and well-informed as we travel around the country’s roads. They’re installing cameras that measure traffic speed and watch out for accidents and hazards, or information boards that let you know when there’s a jam. They’re also planning the road network and...

Oliver works for Mott MacDonald and help to build transport links. This includes providing an access road to a new hospital. Oliver got to use lots of different new software and come up with a 3D model of the access road and bridges along it.

