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This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP).

Metals have been used for many thousands of years, but it was only in the 20th century that an understanding developed of how their properties could be explained in terms of their...

This collection of resources support the teaching of metals (including ferrous and non-ferrous), mechanical properties and metal production. The resources are a combination of presentations, student worksheet and whole class quizzes.

In this activity, students will learn about the properties of the different types of Earth rocks and the rock cycle. They will also learn the basics of meteorite hunting. They will then apply this, along with the use of a classification chart and scientific testing, to identify the samples in their meteorite hunter...

In this lesson, pupils learn about where meteorites come from, how they form and what the different classifications of meteorites are. Pupils then use this knowledge and ideas of classification to identify samples from the meteorite hunters box, and to find the real meteorites in their samples.


In this lesson, students will investigate some of the meteorites and associated rocks in the loan box. They will test them for magnetism, do a visual analysis and measure their mass to calculate the densities of their items. This activity is particularly geared towards getting students to estimate the volume of the...

In this lesson, students will investigate some of the loan box’s meteorites and associated rocks. They will test them for magnetism and perform a visual analysis of the samples. In addition, they will make a to scale model of the samples out of plasticine and perform a displacement test to allow them to determine...

In this lesson, students will learn about where meteorites come from and the different types of meteorites. They will then use this knowledge to describe the rocks in the lunar loan box and try to work out what they are.

Curriculum links:

  • Observing closely, using simple equipment.
  • ...

A Catalyst article about careers in meteorology (weather forecasting) and climate science. The article explains the work of EMARC (Environment Monitoring and Response Centre) and provides some advice on training as a meteorologist.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2004, Volume 15, Issue 2...

Methods of Assessment was written in the early days of the GCSE qualification as a guide to teachers at a time when they were being expected to play a more active part in the formal assessment of science courses. The book was part of a series about assessment...

This resource looks at designing a treadle pump.

Suggested learning outcomes include:

  • To be able to design a treadle pump for people living in a remote village.
  • To understand how social issues impact on the design of a product....

This Core Maths resource contains two activities concerned with sampling.

The first activity asks students to review and summarise the key features, advantages and disadvantages of Random, Systematic, Stratified, Quota and Cluster sampling methods.


This worksheet challenges students to manipulate and convert units of measurement. It provides worked examples, examiners top tips and answers to each question. The resource is useful for teaching maths content in design and technology, or as a maths activity sheet.

This is one of the 18 Background Books published for Stage II of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book describes aspects of the history of chemistry and physics by describing the life and work of Michael Faraday.

This book was...

Micro Monsters takes a close up look at the...

This collection of activities gives pupils the opportunity to use a BBC micro:bit to programme their own compass. This activity also provides a link with the art activity in the same collection, giving pupils the chance to code their own tessellating pattern using Scratch. This activity is part of a series of...
