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Number Day is an opportunity for pupils to apply their maths skills to everyday scenarios, whilst raising money for the NSPCC.

Resources to support primary schools taking part in the NSPCC's Number Day 

Resources to support secondary schools taking part in the NSPCC's Number Day.

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), these naked Scientist podcasts look at physics questions in an amusing but also informative way.

The oldest light in the Universe • The Planck mission which measures the cosmic microwave background. • Mapping the surface of...

Act 1

A split-screen video is shown of two cups of...

Act 1

A lemon wedge is squeezed into a small glass. A...

Act 1

A person receives a text message to mix some paint...

Produced by Citizen Science, this resource contains a set of cards that can be printed and used in a 'matching pairs' game. When completed, the pairs pose questions which students consider, around the use of nanotechnology. Suitable for students aged 11-14 the activity introduces students to some of the potential...

From the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' looks at issues in science.

Dealing with things smaller than 100 nanometres (for comparison, a human hair is 80,000 nm wide), nanotechnologies are fast becoming the 'next big...

A Catalyst article about nanotechnology, the science of building tiny devices. Opinions differ on the use of nanotechnology, one school of thought is that it will be the answer to many of the biggest challenges in medicine, electronics and defence, another is that it will lead to opening up a dangerous world of...

The Nappy Changing Challenge from Cre8ate maths provides real data about students for analysis. They undertake a timed, practical, exercise of folding a towelling nappy and putting it onto a toy baby doll. Throughout the task students complete a form for the Nappy challenge and record their completed data in an...

This guide, from the National Strategies, considers the differences in educational outcomes of girls and boys with the the clear trend of girls outperforming boys at all levels and more women than men graduating from universities and with 'better' degrees. The purpose...

The purpose of this National Strategies guide is to support science teachers and subject leaders to establish how well students are doing in science at all stages of their secondary education and to give ideas as to how any emerging issues can be addressed as part of a...

Using data to identify low attainment, weak progress and gaps in attainment has long been a focus of schools. This National Strategies booklet, published in 2009, aims to...
