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The Nuffield Advanced Science project published a Book of Data. This was designed for reference during the physical science, chemistry and physics courses. This book was intensively used during the physical science course and students had access to the data in all...

This Nuffield Advanced Science Book of Data was a compilation of basic physical data in SI units for use during the Nuffield Advanced courses in Physics, Physical Science, and Chemistry. The book included all the data required specifically for the Nuffield programmes but the book was deliberately not tied too...

The revised edition of the Nuffield Advanced Science Book of Data was based on the first edition. However there were many changes because of feedback from users, changes in syllabuses, and the availability of better sources of data. The content was changed.

Conversion tables and tables of mathematical...

The Nuffield Advanced Chemistry team set out to devise a course based on principles of the subject that were regarded as being of fundamental importance at the time. The authors adopted a teaching approach aimed at developing imaginative thinking on the part of students. The implications of this had been spelled...

The Nuffield Physical Science course explored the regions of common interest to physicists and chemists. The course focussed on the contributions that physics and chemistry make to the study of the structure and properties of materials. The physics topics explored the interlocking roles of matter, energy and...

The organisers of Nuffield Advanced Physics set out to build a course that could reveal the structure of physics: the kinds of arguments physicist use, and the nature of the problems they tackle. The team wanted students to become more thoughtful. They pointed out that, in physics, the ability to think effectively...

This sample of AMP resources, co-funded by the Clothworkers and Nuffield Foundation, are based on 20 of the Graded Assessment in Mathematics (GAIM) materials produced with Nuffield support in the 1980s. They are classroom-trialled resources to support teachers in their teaching and assessment of the key processes...

The Nuffield-Chelsea Curriculum Trust organised the writing of the books in the Nuffield Assessment in Science series soon after the start of the GCSE qualification. At this time there was a growing requirement for more formal assessments of student progress by science teachers - most obviously in the internal...

The Nuffield Science Teaching Project began in 1962. One of the first problems tackled by the project was the teaching of O-level biology, chemistry and physics. Nuffield Biology was planned as a five-year...

This pack of Nuffield Biology activity sheets was designed to match the National Curriculum Science: Biology at Key stage Four from 1996. The ideas were drawn from materials produced by various Nuffield projects over the previous ten years. The pack includes student...

This Nuffield Foundation booklet contains two keys that were designed to be used in Year IV of the Nuffield biology course. They were intended as a rough guide to plants and animals which could be found...

The title of the fifth year of the original Nuffield Biology course is ‘The Perpetuation of Life’. This makes up the final year of the three-year intermediate programme leading to certification at age 16.

The textbook...

The title of the fourth year of the original Nuffield Biology course is ‘Living Things in Action’. This makes up the middle year of the three-year intermediate programme leading to certification at age 16.


The title of the first year of the original Nuffield Biology course is ‘Introducing Living Things’. This makes up the first year of the introductory two-year programme. This introductory phase is characterised by a broad general approach to the subject.


The title of the third year of the original Nuffield Biology course is ‘The Maintenance of Life’. This is the start of the three-year intermediate programme leading to certification at age 16.

The textbook is highly...
