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This resource contains seven problems requiring students to explore the graphs of polynomials. Students are required to explain how they know whether a graph will cross the x axis, explain the differences and similarities of the graphs of two polynomials given just the equation, asked to devise questions that could...

The first of three RISP activities exporing polynomials, The Gold and Silver Cuboid requires students to find a connection...

This report evaluates the Ponds for Life project undertaken by the wildlife charity Froglife from April 2008 to March 2010. The aim of the project was to promote Hampton Nature Reserve, a former brick pit and now a Site of Special Scientific Interest for great crested newts and bearded stonewort in over 300 ponds....

The initial frame of the video shows a toy pony. As time progresses additional ponies are added to the scene. At the end, all of the ponies are taken away. The challenge is to graph the number of ponies in the frame against time. The resulting graph is one with discontinuities.

Ponies in frame video...

This field study encourages students to act as environmental scientists to compare two heathlands one of which has been grazed, one of which has not. Students use the data collected to decide which heathland is better in terms of the plant species present, especially heathers, and soil chemistry.


The task is set in the context of a Ponzi scheme. A letter describes the following scheme:

“Do you want to get rich quick? Just follow the instructions carefully below and you may never need to work again:

1. At the bottom of this email there are 8 names and addresses. Send $5 to the name at the top...

Act 1

An animation shows eight pool shots striking a...

In this activity, students create a pop rocket by combining a film canister, antacid tablet and water. 

This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in engineering and design technology. 

In this activity pupils will design a pop-up airport to allow the delivery of food supplies to people in...

A National STEM Learning Centre and Network Engineering Case Studies resource investigating the production of oil and how oil reserves are located.

If the oil reserves are running out, how can we get more out of what'...

Act 1

A split screen video is shown. The video shows sheets...

Trends in the popularity of names is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, which illustrates the concepts and strategies for interpreting data. Because there is no one explanation for the change of popularity of names this resource raises one of the fundamental issues...

This resource aimed at upper primary contains a series of lessons which look at the means by which machines (cams, levers, gears and pulleys) transform force into movement. The first lesson provides the context for the project in the form of a story, where students are asked to create a counter to count visitors to...

This resource contains seven activities related to population statistics.

Data Assessment...

In this scheme of work from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students investigate sewage tunnels that are being built under London. Within this activity, students will consider how society has changed over time, to identify the influences that have...
