Showing results for "Proof without words"

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This resource from SMILE Mathematics contains 20 activities for using spreadsheets to solve mathematical problems in the classroom, rather than gaining spreadsheet skills in the computer room. By encouraging students to use spreadsheets when appropriate to the mathematics, they can be an aid to the development of...

This collection contains nine activities which support science learning within the context of a wide range of engineering design challenges. Designed to foster questioning and creativity and to develop problem-solving skills including testing alternative options, interpreting results and evaluating their solutions...

This resource, produced by the Centre for Teaching Mathematics at the University of Plymouth, is designed to provide short problems to stimulate discussion of mathematics amongst A level students and between students and their teachers; and to provide some longer investigations which search more deeply into the...

The Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC), from the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust (UKMT), is a multiple choice contest in which students are presented with five alternative answers, of which just one is correct. It follows that often students can find the correct...

These two books from the Shell Centre focus on applications. The tasks are intended to stimulate students' interest in, and understanding of, the world in which they live. As they pursue these tasks students will be involved in selecting materials and mathematics to use...

This resource consists of ten topics, each section containing a brief explanation, examples and exercises.

Sets begins with a definition of a set and continues with the elements of a set, set notation, subsets, intersection and union of sets, Venn diagrams, the laws of sets and concludes...

This series of interactive excel sheets help investigate geometric series and progressions.

The first sheet generates the terms of a geometric progression, for |r| ≥ 1, and the value of a further term. A new sequence...

These ten mathematics study modules, designed for an individual teacher or group of teachers, were produced by the mathematics strand of the Key Stage Three Strategy. They are intended for teachers who would like to reinforce, confirm and extend their knowledge of the Key Stage Three mathematics curriculum and to...

In Nuffield Physics constructive problems or questions that ask for active thinking largely took the place of pupils' reading in texts or background books. The purpose and nature of these questions was explained in chapter 1 of...

The first sheet of this interactive excel file provides students with calculations to confirm that a...

This resource is an interview with Jahangir - a broadcast hero.


A series of three short videos from the University of Liverpool, offering three perspectives on rising sea levels. 

Personal perspective


This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles:

Diamond: more than just a gemstone


These videos highlight the problems caused by flooding in the developing world, and show how Practical Action works with local communities to help reduce the impact of future flooding:


How floating gardens combat flooding: A brief illustration of how floating gardens...
