Money and Measures

Published by BEAM, this collection provides a selection of resources for teachers of primary and lower secondary mathematics.Included are a number of challenging problems and puzzles, open-ended investigations, cross-curricular activities, and resources to practise and consolidate students' mathematical understanding of money and measures from drawing pictures of coins to solving problems using litres and kilograms.



Showing 9 result(s)

Money and Measure Games for Students Aged 3-5

Published by BEAM, this collection of games give students opportunities to practise and consolidate their mathematical understanding of money, through coin recognition, counting and matching amounts of money. The games, with their mathematical content, are: *Shopping - matching pence coins to numberals *Coins -...

Money and Measure Activities for Students Aged 5-7

A selection of resources, published by BEAM, for teachers of primary mathematics. It includes challenging problems, puzzles and resources to practise and consolidate students mathematical understanding of money and days of the month.

The activities, with their mathematical content, are:


Money and Measure Games for Students Aged 5-7

Published by BEAM, these games require students to play in twos, using coins and dice to develop their knowledge of money and time.

The games, with their mathematical content, are:

*15 pence - using 1p, 2p and 5p coins

*Balloons - counting coins

*Buying toys - reading and saying amounts...

Money and Measure Activities for Students Aged 7-9

A selection of resources, published by BEAM, for teachers of primary mathematics. It includes challenging problems and puzzles, open-ended investigations, cross-curricular activities, and resources to practise and consolidate students' mathematical understanding.

*Body Measures - measuring and comparing...
