Problem Solving with Industry

Problem Solving with Industry originally consisted of 30 short problem-solving exercises devised by the Centre for Science Education Sheffield Hallam University in collaboration with a range of industries. A selection of these units were updated and revised to match the requirements of GNVQ Science in 1995. It is this selection which features in this collection.

Teaching and learning
The development of these resources drew on the ideas and strategies given in another project developed at the Centre for Science Education: Active Teaching and Learning Approaches in Science (ATLAS).

The GRASP approach to problem solving
The modules in this series introduce students to the GRASP (Getting Results And Solving Problems) approach as an effective tool when planning, organising and carrying out work. The Comino Foundation's GRASP approach is much more than just another problem solving approach.

The process itself has four elements which can be summarised:
* Select the purpose or objective and the criteria for success;
* Generate different ways of achieving the purpose or objectives, compare with criteria and select the most promising;
* Put the chosen plan into operation and control the process;
* Review continually each operation and the results.



Showing 9 result(s)

The White Stuff in the Pipes

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with ICI. In this module students find out why pipes in a soda-ash chemical plant have become blocked with a white sludge. They identify the sludge and determine...

The Star of Byzantium

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with Willis Carroon North Limited and South Yorkshire Police. In this module the problem is to choose the most appropriate electronically-controlled security...

Preventing Heart Disease

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with local health promotion groups. In this module the problem is to design an effective campaign or a piece of...

The Dye Is Cast

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with ICI Huddersfield. The problem presented by this module is to find ways to control the colour and acidity of the effluent from a manufacturing plant which will...
