Microbes for Primary Schools

These resources, from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and e-Bug, provide a comprehensive introduction and solid grounding in microbes, their use, hygiene and also microbes in infectious diseases. The resources contain extensive teacher guidance, stimulus materials, animations and suggestions for student activities.

The resources in this collection cover the topics of:

* Introduction to microbes
* Useful microbes
* Harmful microbes
* Hand hygiene
* Food hygiene
* Respiratory hygiene
* Body's defence mechanisms (immunity)
* Vaccines
* Antibiotics and medicines
* Microbe practical investigations



Showing 9 result(s)

Primary: Antibiotics and Medicine

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource explores the use of antibiotics and medicine in treating various illnesses and disease.

Through a cartoon, students consider a range of scenarios in which the two characters, Amy and Harry, are exposed to germs during their school day. Students...

Primary: Food Hygiene

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource helps students to consider how poor food hygiene can allow the spread of food-poisoning microbes. The materials include teacher guidance, stimulus materials and students' activity sheets.

In the activity, children investigate how easily...

Primary: Harmful Microbes

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource introduces students to the ideas that some microbes can be harmful and cause ill-health. The resource includes extensive teacher guidance, stimulus materials and students' activity sheets.

Students are encouraged to discuss as a class how some...

Primary: Introduction to Microbes

Produced by the Health Protection Agency, this e-Bug resource is an introduction to microbes that is suitable for primary aged students. Extensive teacher guidance, stimulus materials and students' activity sheets help to cover topics including:

* The most common types of microbe (bacteria, viruses and...
