Microbes for Primary Schools

These resources, from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and e-Bug, provide a comprehensive introduction and solid grounding in microbes, their use, hygiene and also microbes in infectious diseases. The resources contain extensive teacher guidance, stimulus materials, animations and suggestions for student activities.

The resources in this collection cover the topics of:

* Introduction to microbes
* Useful microbes
* Harmful microbes
* Hand hygiene
* Food hygiene
* Respiratory hygiene
* Body's defence mechanisms (immunity)
* Vaccines
* Antibiotics and medicines
* Microbe practical investigations



Showing 9 result(s)

Primary: Microbe Investigations

Produced by the Health Protection Agency and e-Bug, these practical investigations use readily available resources and will help students to understand the topic of microbes and their growth.

The investigations include:
* Kitchen investigators - where can you find the most microbes in your kitchen?...
