IET Education Primary Resources

This collection provides lots of STEM challenges and resources linked to science and design and technology topics in the primary curriculum. Many support learning skills across the curriculum and can also be run as a project.

The challenge day resources support teachers in running their own aerospace engineers or lighthouse keeper transfer challenge day with children. They can be used to enhance the curriculum as children need to apply existing knowledge of electrical circuits, forces, design and construction in an integrated project. Although the challenges are designed to be delivered across one day they can also be split into smaller parts and used over several weeks or within a STEM Club.

Further resources within this collection can be linked to a variety of topics and themes, such as World Book Day, food and nutrition, plants, animals and mathematics.



Showing 83 result(s)

Testing a car's performance

Linked to this series of resources on designing and making a car, this activity evaluates the performance of the vehicle previously manufactured by the pupils. It involves recording the time taken by each vehicle to go down a slope. This can be converted into the speed of the vehicle. It could be used at key stage...

Make a sundial

This resource focusses on the making of a simple sundial which can be housed within the school grounds. This interactive and practical activity can be used to support learning of telling the time and to understand how light creates shadows. In this activity pupils will learn how to use the Sun to tell the time. ...

Treasure hunt

This resource focusses on position and direction using vector and polar coordinates, with the theme of a pirate treasure map. In this activity, learners will look at different methods to find position and direction on a map. They will learn how to use coordinates and bearings using angle and distance. Alongside...

Build a car that moves

This resource focusses on exploring shape, nets, wheels and axles. This activity uses pupil’s prior knowledge of nets to make a base for a vehicle. It then introduces the use of axles and wheels to enable the car to move. It could be used at key stage 1 to develop understanding of the use of axles and wheels in...


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