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A study of science, maths and technology equips students with a wide range of very valuable skills that employers in the land-based and environmental sector want. A career in the land-based sector will enable students to apply those skills to provide food as well as a beautiful and healthy environment for everyone...

Science, maths and technology lie at the heart of many jobs in the land-based sector. Whether developing a phone app to help farmers check the soil types in fields, creating a wildlife habitat in an urban area or making sure the pitch is ready to play on for the match on Saturday, science, maths and technology...

Act 1

A visualisation is given of a ‘Scrambler’ ride. The...

A unit circle is marked off in equal arc lengths. The resulting points are joined back to a single point. The challenge is to find the products of the lengths of the chords drawn in each circle...


This report sets out the recommendations of an independent Review of Teachers’ Standards, chaired by Sally Coates. The review was launched by the Secretary of State in March 2011 with a remit to review the existing framework of professional standards for teachers. The Review Group comprises excellent teachers, head...

This collection of resources, produced by the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, are design to support the teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary school. The activities are a mixture of problem-solving tasks, open-ended tasks, games and puzzles designed to develop students' understanding and...

Teachers TV was originally a television channel which aimed to provide professional development support for teachers, school leaders, support staff and governors. Many of the programmes were filmed inside real classrooms, with teachers sharing good practice and ideas for lessons.

The videos in this...

Produced by Becta, these materials consider six major opportunities for learners to benefit from the use of ICT in mathematics. These opportunities may be developed through a wide range of ICT, such as standard and graphic calculators, spreadsheets and interactive software. The areas considered here are:


A shop owner is to install a security camera in his shop to help prevent shoplifting. Students analyse a plan of the shop, using loci and construction to identify which shoppers are not in view of the camera and calculate what percentage of the shop is not covered. The second part of the activity requires students...

This task is designed to help you assess how well students are able to:

  • Construct lines of sight for the visibility of a camera
  • Find and compare the areas of triangles and quadrilaterals
  • Calculate and compare percentages and/or fractions of areas

A shop owner has...

Developed with funding from the Department for Education, these video clips show interviews with young professionals working in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) sectors. The films introduce some of the exciting careers that students may access by studying STEM subjects. The professionals...

This activity allows students to investigate how images are produced from data streams by using first a spreadsheet and then an image-processing program. They then go on to see how the usefulness of such a monochromatic image may be enhanced by using lookup tables and calibration. The materials used focus on the...

This resource features five short tasks that involves structure in expressions.

An example task is to simplify an expression that contains square roots.

This task resource is from the Mathematics Assessment Resource Service, a collaboration between UC Berkeley and the Shell Centre team at the...
