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A quick audit for teachers to use to consider their own social and emotional skills.

This IET DIY Faraday Challenge asks students to design and prototype a product or process involved in creating the James Webb Space Telescope. Your design must include an electric circuit and should be designed as a working prototype.


This is one of a series of resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems, exploring the theme of waterways.

In this activity pupils will learn what is meant by density and will conduct an experiment to find out if modelling clay...

Students find out about the Airbus company and its structure. To begin their prior knowledge of aircraft is considered through their ability to name parts of an aeroplane. They find out where airbus is based around the world and the type of work it undertakes. Airbus’ employee numbers and how they contribute to the...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), focuses on understanding that changing the composition of a material will affect its properties and characteristics.

It is intended that...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), focuses on understanding the steps and the decision-making process in the design and build of products.

The resource is designed to allow...

In this resource careers in Airbus are explored, including in particular the engineering roles that are available. Students are able to see the wide number of roles that Airbus needs to function as a company, but how the Engineering roles are critical and numerous within the organisation. Several case studies of...

This resource investigates how hoverboards work.

Suggested learning outcomes include:

  • Understand how at least two different examples of hoverboards function.
  • Know how to analyse examples of existing products.
  • Analyse the main features of a product and identify improvements that...

This resource considers the social implications and challenges faced.

Suggested learning outcomes include:

  • To know what is meant by a remote area.
  • To understand the social problems and challenges faced by people living in remote...

This booklet focuses on gendered representations of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and how young people's views of careers in these subjects are developed. Classroom activities were developed for students drawing on media literacy skills to examine how their ideas have been influenced by...

Produced by JIVE (Joint Interventions), this set of information posters are for employers to illustrate how organisations can support and inspire women to enter and progress in Science, Engineering Technology and the Built Environment.

Jai Geyer, one of the youngest members of the Great Britain Alpine Ski Team, describes how engineering impacts on his sport and helps achieve higher levels of performance through the design of protective clothing, plus the structure and composition of the skis and other equipment.


The James Webb Space Telescope is  currently making observations of distant stars and planets, following it's launch in 2021. It is a highly technical design which has taken many years to be designed and made....

Aimed at upper primary learners this resource provides a design and technology activity based on the challenges engineers and space scientists faced whilst working on the creation of the telescope. Children...

This STEMNET resource introduces John Gray who is a specialist engineer for the BBC. His role is crucial in ensuring that the programme production system used by local radio stations across England works properly.

