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This document from the Department of Education looks at how St Gregory's Catholic School Science College educates pupils and parents about cyberbullying through newsletters, their 'Parent Zone' and curriculum. The resource explores the school's resources for parents, mobile phone and behaviour polices as part of...

Published by LSIS, this report describes an action research project by Cambridgeshire County Council Library Learning services. It looks at the effect of targeted support for learndirect tutors on learners and tutor morale. The project was about raising tutors' confidence in supporting their learners by offering...

A resource from the Mathematics Centre at the University of Chichester. Teachers Evaluating and Assessing Mathematics (TEAM) believed that if all students were to begin their courses in secondary schools within the spirit of the new (at the time) GCSE proposals, and...

In Section 3 of the Teachers Evaluating and Assessing Mathematics (TEAM) project, produced by the Mathematics Centre at the University of Chichester, teachers discuss what they perceive to be an extended piece of work, and attempt to define the labels 'course work', 'projects' and 'write ups'.

During the...

In this section of the Teachers Evaluating and Assessing Mathematics (TEAM) project, produced by the Mathematics Centre at the University of Chichester, the project team attempt to clarify issues related to the evaluation of students' and teachers' work. As in the...

In this section of the Teachers Evaluating and Assessing Mathematics (TEAM) material, from the Mathematics Centre at the University of Chichester, assessment is discussed from a number of different viewpoints including those of the students, teachers and examination...

John Leggott Sixth Form College has for many years enrolled a significant number of fee paying students from China and Hong Kong, many of whom aspire to attend Russell Group universities on completion of their sixth form studies. The government rules for such students has recently changed and numbers from China are...

This research, commissioned by the Wellcome trust, was undertaken by an interdisciplinary team led by Ralph Levinson and Dr Sheila Turner at the Institute of Education, University of London between May 1st and December 1st 1999.

The project reports on five main areas:

• The perceived importance...

This paper gives an account of a survey, carried out by HM Inspectors in 1980-81, looking at technical drawing and other drawing office based courses in secondary schools. They also visited 11 industrial companies and 15 institutions of further and higher education to discuss their expectations of students in terms...

Produced by the Department for Children Schools and Families and the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, this 2010 document lays out the size, nature and procedures around the sample of Key Stage Two science tests that was implemented after testing of all students was discontinued in 2009.

This Technicians and Progression report from the Skills Commission presents the findings of an inquiry into the alternatives to university degrees that the post-16 education system provides. The report maintains that post-compulsory education should offer a diverse range of education provision, vocational as well...

Produced in 1992, this Department for Education and Science and HM Inspectorate document evaluates the response of schools to the National Curriculum requirements for technology since its introduction in 1990. The report is based on the inspection of 884 schools: 438 secondary, 25 middle, 398 primary and 23 special...

This report was the third in a series, following on from Technology in the National Curriculum: Getting it Right and Technology at A Level: Getting it Right and was written for the Engineering Council by the same authors. This report...

This enquiry into technology and school science was conducted by HMI. The report was published in 1985. The enquiry was concerned not only with the specific technology courses offered by science departments but also sought to obtain details of any attempts being made to develop technology across the curriculum,...

The Technology at A Level: Getting it Right report followed on from the Technology in the National Curriculum: Getting it Right...
