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The initial frame of the video shows a toy pony. As time progresses additional ponies are added to the scene. At the end, all of the ponies are taken away. The challenge is to graph the number of ponies in the frame against time. The resulting graph is one with discontinuities.

Ponies in frame video...

The task is set in the context of a Ponzi scheme. A letter describes the following scheme:

“Do you want to get rich quick? Just follow the instructions carefully below and you may never need to work again:

1. At the bottom of this email there are 8 names and addresses. Send $5 to the name at the top...

Act 1

An animation shows eight pool shots striking a...

Act 1

A split screen video is shown. The video shows sheets...

Trends in the popularity of names is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, which illustrates the concepts and strategies for interpreting data. Because there is no one explanation for the change of popularity of names this resource raises one of the fundamental issues...

This resource contains seven activities related to population statistics.

Data Assessment...

In this scheme of work from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students investigate sewage tunnels that are being built under London. Within this activity, students will consider how society has changed over time, to identify the influences that have...

This resource contains a collection of interactive pictures designed to illustrate the position of an object in relation to other things. Objects are positioned at different places on a picture and the correct word is selected to describe where the object is in relation...

This excel file deals with the four operations on positive and negative numbers giving practice at a variety of calculations.

The first interactive sheet shows a table with -5 to 5 both along the top and down the side...

This collection of STEM education reports explores science education Post 16.

The reports include:

* The challenges of STEM provision for further education colleges - this report documents the activities and conclusions of a research project undertaken by the 157 Group, supported by the Gatsby...

Published by LSIS, this report gives interim findings from a programme investigating the gap between the numbers of learners studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in schools at A Level, and those studying in Further Education (FE). This interim report provides insight into barriers to...

A report produced by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), published in July 2010, discussing the proposals for 16-19 mathematics in anticipation of the review of qualifications scheduled for 2013 with resulting changes to be implemented from 2016.

The report proposes that:
• Three...

Published in 2012 by the Advisory Committee for Mathematics Education (ACME) this report states, ‘There is a wide consensus amongst politicians, employers, higher education tutors and others that students in England should, like their counterparts in the vast majority of other countries, continue to study...

Provided by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME), these resources respond to Michael Gove’s speech at the Royal Society in June 2011, and to recommendations in reports such as Mathematical Needs and Is the UK an Outlier? They set out a strategy for dramatically increasing participation in Post-16...

This engineering resource, produced by Mathematic in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can you predict future power requirements? Students are required to complete a table by substituting values into a formula and plot a graph. The activity offers good...
