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This series of excel sheets look at the area of regions bounded by linear and quadratic graphs.

The first interactive sheet calculates the area under the line y = mx + c between limits A and B. The effect on the area...

The first of two RISP activities, Modelling the Spread of a Disease requires students to carry out a simulation of a disease spreading. Students carry out an experiment...

The initial problem looks at an area given between two curves. The first curve is a parabola with the x and y axis intercepts given. The second curve is a stretch parallel...

A Catalyst article explaining how much of the food that humans consume comes from systems in which large numbers of plants or animals are grown under closely controlled conditions, designed to maximise production. When they grow plants as crops farmers intervene in various ways to optimise growth, so that the food...

This collection of resource materials from the National Strategies focuses on important ideas and processes which underpin a sound understanding of mathematical thinking and reasoning in the key areas of proportional reasoning, linear equations, geometrical thinking and handling data.  ...

This report looks at the very separated relationship of science and technology subjects in secondary schools at the time. It tries to identify reasons why there was very limited use of cross-curricular activities and makes recommendations to encourage better relationships, collaboration and cooperation between...

This resource from SMILE contains eight interactive spreadsheets as described below:

Rolling one dice: simulates the rolling of one dice and then records the number in the frequency table and...

This collection of resources, produced by the University of Leicester, is designed for use by students preparing for or studying advanced level mathematics. Some activities are suitable for Key Stage Four whilst others cover advanced level topics.

Each resource comprises an interactive PowerPoint...

This sample of interactive pages, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT), is taken from the Year Four Practice Book. The pages allow students to work on a computer, which also checks their responses and gives appropriate feedback.

The topics covered in these resources include finding...

This sample of interactive pages, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT), is taken from the Year Four Practice Book. The pages allow students to work on a computer which, also checks their responses and gives appropriate feedback.


This study guide, from the National Strategies, offers tried and tested practical suggestions for you to use in the classroom when considering purposeful practical work in science. The suggestions draw upon the academic research given in...

This set of Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs), developed by the National Numeracy Strategy, were originally intended for use in daily numeracy lessons to develop key mathematical concepts in the primary phase. However they can be used equally well with students in Key Stage Three for demonstration and...

Interactive Teaching Programs (ITPs) are an ICT-based tool developed by the National Strategies to support the teaching of key concepts in mathematics. Where available, manuals which describe how the ITP works and could be used are posted as separate files.

This group of ITPs cover:

  • Area: allows...
