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Episode 405: Preparation for Electric Fields Topic *suitable for home teaching*

This topic, from the Institute of Physics, explores electric fields and draws the comparison between these and gravitational fields. They both follow inverse square laws, and so their equations look very similar. The topic includes a series of learning episodes which are self-contained and last one or two lessons...

Episode 406: Fields, Field Lines and Equipotentials

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode introduce students to electric fields, field lines and equipotentials. Similarities with gravitational fields are highlighted, but with the need to take account of the of charge.

The activities include:
• discussion and demonstration of field...

Episode 407: Coulomb’s Law

This learning resource, from the Institute of Physics, introduce students to Coulomb’s law which describes the force between two charges. The activities compare this to the way Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation gives the force between two masses. Both follow the inverse-square law. The difference being that an...

Episode 408: Field Strength and Potential Energy

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, introduces field strength and potential energy for electric fields. Comparisons with gravitational fields are also made.

The activities include:
* discussion of field strength
* worked examples on field strength
* discussion about...

Episode 409: Uniform Electric Fields

This learning episode, produced by the Institute of Physics, discuss the physics of the uniform electric field, such as that between two parallel charged plates. The definitions of field strength and potential lead to different results than those for the non-uniform field.

The activities in this learning...

Episode 410: Preparation for Electromagnetism Topic *suitable for home teaching*

This topic, from the Institute of Physics, develops a formal description of magnetic fields before moving on to electromagnetic forces and induction. The learning episodes follow a fairly standard approach that is similar to the order in which the topics appear in most exam specifications. The three main electrical...

Episode 411: Describing Magnetic Fields

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode uses demonstrations, experiments and questions to help students learn about electromagnetic fields. These consider their strength and direction.

The activities include:
• demonstrating the field around a permanent magnet
• field...

Episode 412: Force on a Conductor in a Magnetic Field

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students look at how a magnetic field can be quantified by measuring the force on a conductor. It illustrates how Flemming's left hand rule can be used to find the direction of the force. The activities include: 

  • investigating the relationship...

Episode 413: The Force on a Moving Charge

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, help students extend the idea of a magnetic force on a current to consider moving charges.

A range of activities are suggested and these include:
• demonstrating the deviation of an electron beam
• investigating the relationship between...

Episode 414: Electromagnetic Induction

In these activities, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate electromagnetic induction. The learning episode develops a picture of induction as the cutting of lines of flux by a conductor, which leads to an induced electromotive force (emf) or current. The activities in this learning episode include:...
