Listing all results (885)

space:uk - November 2004, Issue 14

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * People working on the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and its moons. * Scientists helping to discover more about climate change and global warming. * A yacht team who will be using satellite data to help them as they race...

space:uk - January 2006, Issue 18

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * Europe’s ambitious satellite navigation system. * The tenth anniversary of the SOHO mission. * How seals are being recruited as scientists to help transform our knowledge of the ocean. * The discoveries of Mars Express. *...

space:uk - June 2006, Issue 19

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * The UK charity using satellites to help save lives at sea. * Images from TopSat. * Europe’s Martian rover. * Ask the experts. * Space industry career file. * Space traveller’s guide to the Moon.

space:uk - October 2006, Issue 20

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * Space tourism. * Saving lives with space technology. * Mysteries of deep space with XMM-Newton. * The Earth’s changing climate. * Space traveller's guide to Mars.

space:uk - January 2007, Issue 21

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * Inside the UK’s rocket programme. * Efforts to counter any asteroid threat. * Europe’s space science missions. * How do planets get their names? * Space traveller’s guide to Jupiter.

space:uk - June 2007, Issue 22

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * International Polar Year. * Fifty years of discoveries at Jodrell Bank. * Meet the scientists searching for ET. * Space traveller’s guide to Saturn.

space:uk - October 2007, Issue 23

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * Plans for missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. * Tracking the world’s first spacecraft. * Satellites to help save lives. * Getting to grips with space weather. * How many satellites orbit the Earth? * Meet the engineer...

space:uk - January 2008, Issue 24

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * 50 years in space and tracking orbiting spacecraft. * Upgrading Hubble and the next generation of space observatories. * Using Devon rock to help prepare for a mission to Mars. * Europe’s mission to monitor the Earth’s...

space:uk - June 2008, Issue 25

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * Meet the scientists searching for signs of life beyond the Earth. * The UK students who are reaching for the stars. * How does satellite TV work? * Did we really go to the Moon? * How will the spacecraft of the future propel...

space:uk - Autumn 2009, Issue 28

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * Meet the UK space scientists getting to grips with fundamental questions about the nature of the Universe. * The European Space Agency's first research centre in the UK. * How UK built satellites help rescue workers to save...
