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Episode 415: Electric Motors

Some common electromagnetic machines include motors, generators and transformers. In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, all three are described. Students discuss torque, back electromotive force (emf) and power. The activities include looking at:

  • a model motor
  • motor torque...

Episode 416: Generators and Transformers

Produced by the Institute of Physics, these discussions and demonstrations show that in a generator, motion of a conductor in a magnetic field induces an electromotive force (emf). In a transformer, it is the changing field that induces an emf in a fixed conductor.

The activities in this learning episode...

Episode 700: Preparation for Astronomy Topic

From the Institute of Physics, these learning episodes act as an introduction to cosmology and ideas about the history of the Universe. Most students should have heard of the Big Bang and expanding Universe. This topic makes it all plausible and looks at the wave speed formula, diffraction by a grating and the...

Episode 701: Observing Stars

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students see that what we know about the Universe comes from observations which rely on the radiation and particles that reach us on Earth. Students discuss astronomical observations including spectra and the information they can carry.

The activities...

Episode 702: Red Shift

Produced by the Institute of Physics, these activities demonstrate the Doppler effect.

Using sound and microwaves, the activities illustrate how changes in wavelength of spectral lines allow us to determine the motion of astronomical objects relative to ourselves.

The activities include:

Episode 703: Preparation for Cosmology Topic

From the Institute of Physics, these resources help students to understand that cosmology is the study of the Universe, its origins, history and possible future. In these activities, students look at the expanding universe and cosmology. There are two learning episodes in this topic:...

Episode 704: The Expanding Universe

Produced by the Institute of Physics, in this learning episode, students look at the expanding universe by examining galaxies, Hubble's observations and cosmological red shift. A simple activity allows students to model Hubble's law.

Through discussion and activities, students look at:
* observing a...

Episode 705: Cosmology

From the Institute of Physics, these activities encourage students to discuss the origins, history and future of the universe. Through a range of discussions and activities, students look at:
• the hot big bang
• the age of the Universe
• cosmic microwave background radiation
• the future of...

Solar System: Relative Size of the Planets

From NASA, this image presents the approximate sizes of the planets relative to each other. Outward from the Sun, the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The planets are not shown at their relative distances from the Sun.

Earth in Space 11-14

From the Institute of Physics, this resource provides extensive teacher guidance and suggested classroom activities to support the teaching of:

* Gravity and space

* Orbits and satellites

* The solar system and beyond

* Sun, Moon and Earth Each topic is explored from the following...
