Listing all results (885)

Solar System: Images of Individual Planets

From NASA, these high resolution images show separately the planets of our solar system. Images in this resource include: Sun, Earth, Moon, Mars, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and the dwarf planet Pluto.

Moon Landing: Apollo 11

On July 20, 1969, the astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to set foot on the moon. From NASA, these images illustrate the story behind "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Truly a milestone moment in space exploration.

Food in Space

This clip, from NASA, shows what types of food astronauts eat in space and how the food must be lightweight, nutritional, take up little volume and be long-lasting. A classroom activity is also included that investigates suitable foods and containers. This may be used at Key Stage Three or adapted for use at Key...

Light and Optics Teacher Resource and Class Activities

This teacher guidance from NASA describes colour and light activities that can be used with students from Key Stage Two to Four. Using lenses, prisms and mirrors students create telescopes, periscopes, microscopes and kaleidoscopes. Other activities include finding focal length and understanding reflection,...

Life of a Star: Planetary Nebula Lithograph

This resource from NASA describes how low-mass stars expand in size and become red giants at the end of their lives. Then they shed their outer layers and become planetary nebulae.

The image of NGC 2440, a planetary nebula, is on the first page of the lithograph. Background information about the life cycle...

Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope, or GLAST, is a space-based telescope that looks at the universe in the gamma ray wavelengths. This telescope will study known sources of gamma rays in detail but will also discover thousands of new gamma-ray sources in its five-year mission. This resource has an image of...

Infra-red: More Than Your Eyes Can See

From NASA, this short video looks at how infra-red cameras see the world and are used to explore space. It describes the electromagnetic spectrum and how infra-red is a measure of heat radiation. The video concludes by showing how infra-red can be used in astronomy to observe distant stars and galaxies. The...

Hubble Space Telescope

This video clip from NASA shows how the Hubble Space Telescope has changed the way scientists look at the universe, without the interference of Earth's atmosphere. Find out how this telescope works and a bit of history about the man after whom it is named. The presentation is aimed at primary students but the...

Images of Astronauts

From NASA, these images show astronauts from early space missions, to the space shuttle and international space station. The images can be used to illustrate human space exploration in a range of resources. Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space and Neil Armstrong, part of the Apollo 11 mission, was the first...

Developing a Blog-Style Webquest to Support Independent Skills

Published by LSIS, this research report describes a project undertaken by New College Nottingham. The project describes the creation of a webquest to aid the learning of space exploration for a BTEC first diploma.

Using a blog facilitated a dialogue between the students themselves and also with the class...
