

Showing 10 result(s)

A-level gender bias worse in state sector

A report published in 2013 from the UK’s Institute of Physics looks at patterns of gender bias in six A-level subjects, all of which are taken by large numbers of students and all of which have a significant gender imbalance. The subjects considered are English, biology, and psychology (which are more popular with...

An integrated approach to science and literary

This research article published in 2012 in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching investigates the effectiveness of an integrated science and literacy approach at primary school level. Teachers in 94 fourth-grade (Year 5) classrooms in one US Southern state participated.

Half of the teachers in...

Do students perform better when schools offer extracurricular activities?

A PISA in Focus study published in 2012 from the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), looks at whether students perform better in science if they are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, such as field trips and science projects. Most countries (22 of 31 OECD countries)...

Effective programmes for primary science

Published in 2012, this review focused on examining which  science programmes had been proven to help primary school students to succeed.  To find out, the University of York’s Institute for Effective Education, Johns Hopkins University and Durham University completed a research review on the topic. The review...
