Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of study.

You will need to register your students through the Crest Award website:  



Showing 26 result(s)

Gold award: how quick are your reactions?

In this project, students design, make and test a device to test people’s reaction times.   They will need to consider the electronic circuitry involved, the power supply, input device, processor and...

Gold award: are fruit juices healthier than fizzy drinks?

Students test and compare a range of fizzy drinks and fruit juices to detrmine:

  • perception of sweetness.
  • reducing sugars concentration using colorimetry
  • the amino acids present by chromatography
  • effect on tooth decay
  • antimicrobial effects of caffeine

Gold award: Detecting food fraud

In this Crest Gold Award accredited project, students are provided some suggestions for project work based around adulterated foods.  Suggested investigations include:

  • determining the concentration of standard and 'value' brands of common household products such as bleaches, detergents and vinegars....

Design a robotic ‘ball boy’

In this project, students will develop an automatic ‘ball boy’ for tennis or cricket practice. They could also decide to make the robot for something entirely different - the scope is endless, and it’s up to them what you do! 
