Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of study.

You will need to register your students through the Crest Award website:  



Showing 26 result(s)

Gold award: investigating vitamin supplements

In this project, students look at factors which affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals:

  • They could use Visking tubing to model a cell membrane. The relative times taken...

Gold award: investigate the froth on fizzy drinks

Students will investigate if the decay pattern always the same and work out if it is ‘exponential’. They will also design and test a way of maximising the froth on fizzy drinks.

They then ca...

Crest gold award: Quality control of mixtures

This project encourages students to make contact with a business that performs quality control analyses, such as a public analyst who tests samples for the Trading Standards Department.  Students will need to carry out both quantitative and qualitative analysis on tablets with a single active ingredient, such as...

Gold award: compare different suns creams

In this project, students measure the UV radiation to find out when the sun’s UV rays are the strongest. They will then compare a variety of different sun creams and sun blocks by measuring how much UV...
