Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of study.

You will need to register your students through the Crest Award website:  



Showing 26 result(s)

Gold award: what effects do treatments have on hair?

In this project students investigate hair to gain both qualitative and quantitative data, look at the appearance of hair and measuring its strength before and after different treatments. Students will need to link up with mentors from industry or local further/higher...

Core award: measuring the properties of climbing ropes

In this project, students compare the properties of different kinds of climbing and safety rope.  They design tests to measure properties such as breaking strength and Young’s Modulus, and c...

Gold award: what fabric should you use to make a duvet?

In this project, students investigate the thermal properties of different fabrics used in cold weather clothing or other thermal insulation applications such as sleeping bags or duvets. They will also find out about TOG values and measure the TOG values of different fabrics.

Gold award: the perfect colour lipstick

In this project, student investigate the ingredients of lipsticks, and work out why lipsticks are certain colours, and work out how to change the consistency of lipstick and how to control its ‘...
