Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at pedagogy in STEM subjects. 




Showing 42 result(s)

Does anxiety affect performance, or poor performance cause anxiety?

Published in 2016.  Mathematics anxiety (MA) is the state of discomfort around the performance of mathematical tasks. Does MA cause poor performance in mathematics, or is it poor performance in mathematics that causes MA? The question is important, because it affects the “treatment” that results. Should the focus...

Lesson Study, a trip to Japan

Published in 2016, this article describes how the author's understanding of lesson study developed following a trip to Tokyo Gakugei University in June 2015. While analysing and reporting her reflections she describes episodes of lessons and conversations from post-lesson discussions that she found memorable. In...

Durham Shared Maths Project: evaluation report and executive summary - July 2015

Published in July 2015, this report details the findings of the Durham University Shared Maths intervention project on pupils from 82 primary schools across four local authorities. The intervention was a cross-age peer tutoring...

Improving Numeracy and Literacy: Evaluation Report and Executive Summary - June 2015

Published in June 2015, the Improving Numeracy and Literacy project aimed to improve the numeracy and literacy abilities of pupils in Year 2 through the Mathematics and Reasoning programme and the Literacy and Morphemes...
