Part of the Educational research in STEM subjects collection, this is a collection of academic research looking at pedagogy in STEM subjects. 




Showing 42 result(s)

An integrated approach to science and literary

This research article published in 2012 in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching investigates the effectiveness of an integrated science and literacy approach at primary school level. Teachers in 94 fourth-grade (Year 5) classrooms in one US Southern state participated.

Half of the teachers in...

Networks in support of science teacher education: building social capital to increase teacher learning

This paper published in 2011 presents a case for extending partnership models of science teacher development in the UK through establishing a more formal networks of schools, universities and science learning centres. It uses social capital theory to argue that teacher learning is not simply about cognitive...

What are we doing to ensure that the most able young people are stretched and encouraged to continue studying science?

This paper recommends that more in-depth analysis of existing data, of interventions and their impact, is necessary before it can reliably be concluded that further action is necessary to improve stretch and progression in science post-16. 

Key findings of the near misses 4+ A* -C GCSE Pilot

Published in 2007, this briefing paper highlights the main findings from the small pilot undertaken with just 14 schools in six LAs during 2005–06 which targeted underachievement in these schools and focused on various possible  strategies to tackle this issue.  
