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From Teachers TV, this video follows a group of British teachers on a four-week expedition to Antarctica. It helps to illustrate the conditions in cold environments and how animals are adapted to live in such conditions. It demonstrates what humans need to do to be able to live at the South Pole. Designed for use...

These six lessons and activities introduce children to algorithms, logical reasoning and context, cross curricular pattern spotting...

These six lessons and activities introduce students to digital literacy and how to keep safe online. This includes two sessions of personal information and authorised access, creating secure passwords, illegal downloading and file sharing, possible e-safety scenarios and looking at a social media profile to...


This is a series of four, 30 to 60 minute, sessions that will go through the basics of binary numbers, bitmap images and compression.

Session contain:

• Step by step instructions.

• A presentation or document to follow.

• A worksheets that can by typed into or printed and written on....


EV refers to Electric Vehicles and in this lesson pupils explore data, statistics, graphs and infographics related to road traffic and emissions from cars in the UK. They will critique graphs, read scales and calculate percentages looking at trends in vehicle registrations and proportions of types of newly...

In this lesson students develop their estimation and proportional reasoning skills, developing a sense of scale of large numbers, in the context of planting trees to achieve net zero.

Students explore estimates around the numbers of trees people are planting and what this looks like in terms of land use as...

In this lesson students examine whether reports of extreme cold weather provide evidence that global warming is not happening. They look at the New York Times graphs of summer temperature distributions for the northern hemisphere for different periods and interrogate/critique these graphs.

Students will read...

In this lesson students explore data showing how much carbon dioxide different species of tree absorb from the atmosphere.

Students interpret data, statistics, graphs and infographics and make predictions and draw conclusions in the context of considering why trees are good for the environment. Students will...
